Anyone Tried Slim Fast Diet?

Today I started to Slim Fast, I got enough shakes for one week. Does it work? How long will it take to lose weight? Did you like it?


  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member

    I have used Slim Fast products for meal replacements in the past, but have found better ones with lower crabs, sugar, & cals. I like Pure Protein products, I'd check those out. This plan is set up to cut calories in a simple no-frills kind of way, & good for someone with a busy schedule.

    The thing about these types of diets, of which you will hear a lot of negative connotation associated with them on MFP, is that you aren't learning a new lifestyle of healthy & maintainable eating habits. The argument is that you cannot live off slim fast forever, but I think that these types of plans are beneficial to lose the initial weight in turn giving you for further motivation.

    I say, give them a try, but also research some low-cal recipes that you can incorporate into your dialy intake! Best of luck!!
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    slim fast is junk in a can get some real nutrition into you and get the body off on the right foot.
  • liljen2005
    thank you! :)
  • Dukesjourney
    Dukesjourney Posts: 146 Member
    I agree slim fast is good, for quick noticable difference, its good to motivate you to keep going! I've been dieting (albeit not very well) for the past 6 weeks and have seen barely any movement on the scales, but I kno ppl that have lost loads in a smaller amount of time on slim fast! People say that u'll put the weight straight back on as soon as u start eating again, but as long as u combine healthier foods with exercise you may put some back on but prob not all of it! I'd say give it a go! Another alternative would be protein shakes, my trainer at the gym says he sometimes uses that as meal replacement as its keeps u going for longer than slim fast and also replensihes ur muscles after a workout, so maybe give that a try after ur slim fast too! Good luck, add me as a friend and keep me updated on how it goes and I may give it a try too! Holiday in 6 weeks, need to start seeing some difference! :-)
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just don't. Why not take the calories you spend on a stupid shake and eat a sandwich or something?
  • Dukesjourney
    Dukesjourney Posts: 146 Member
    Well y not? If its the same calories it shouldn't matter! Slim fast has worked for a lot of ppl I know, especially to kick start your body into loosing weight!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    But if it's the same calories then why do it? I dont see any advantage to using some processed gunk over proper healthy nutritious meals - I certainly know which I'd look forward to more come lunchtime!
  • chrisallcock
    yes slimfast has worked for many ppl but as other ppl have stated there are similar calories in other tastey foods as there is in slim fast, in some cases the calories are less in the food so why go for a boring shake, it can be affective slimfast but id say stick to a healthy low fat diet and forget slimfast :)
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I hate that people get so het up about slim fast... I started my weight loss using the slim fast shakes and bars... I lasted a month and then just couldn't do it any more - it became too dull! In that time though I did lose about a stone which helped motivate me - and I learned how to make some low cal meals that I have continued to eat now....

    So I don't see a problem with slim fast.. It's quick and easy for those who want a leg up into the world of dieting and then while you're losing you can learn about healthy eating... With me it was a portion control thing - I had to get my stomach used to eating less and as it was in a bar of shake it meant I knew that's how much I could have.. There was no measuring or weighing involved and it got me eating breakfast again.

    I say try it - you won't stay on it forever, trust me!
  • flausa
    flausa Posts: 534 Member
    Well, I like to say I managed to lose weight with Slim Fast ... twice. And why did I have to do it twice? Because the minute I went back to eating real food, the weight went back on again, because I hadn't learned anything about better eating. Slim Fast is for people who want to lose weight rapidly, but then so is any other fad diet. Slim Fast is not for life. If you want to be healthy rather than just losing weight, you are much better off learning to eat the right foods and exercising. There just is no acceptable substitute for the hard work. Be good to yourself and don't take the quick fix.
  • chrisallcock
    Well, I like to say I managed to lose weight with Slim Fast ... twice. And why did I have to do it twice? Because the minute I went back to eating real food, the weight went back on again, because I hadn't learned anything about better eating. Slim Fast is for people who want to lose weight rapidly, but then so is any other fad diet. Slim Fast is not for life. If you want to be healthy rather than just losing weight, you are much better off learning to eat the right foods and exercising. There just is no acceptable substitute for the hard work. Be good to yourself and don't take the quick fix.

    couldnt of put it better myself :)
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    my mom used to eat nothing, just drink those and got down to a size 7. but as a woman with wide hips and at 5'11", it was not healthy! she's gained weight since then.
    i used them for good, though. i could never eat breakfast. i just couldn't stomach it. i'd drink half a shake, then a full shake, then a poptart and now i can stomach a bowl of cereal :)))
  • liljen2005
    Im going to try it for at least 2 weeks, & then go back to low fat no fat diet, i have been doing! I need to lose this weight before summer time! (i hope) and its quick and easy being a stay at home mommy of 2!! I dont have all the time for "me"! So 2 weeks & im done with slim fast! :) hopefully ill be down 5lbs or more!!!
  • Dukesjourney
    Dukesjourney Posts: 146 Member
    i'd say go for it, as long as you know what you've got to do when you come off u'll be fine.
  • BlindFaith
    Personally I don't like Slim Fast.

    I tried it a couple of times and yes, I lost a few pounds. Unfortunately because my body was used to "drinking" it's calories when I started eating my calories, I gained the weight back.

    Add that to the fact that it tastes like *kitten* (pardon the phrasing here, but it really did to me!), has (from what I remember when I used it) a lot of sugar in it and my body was very unhappy with me after a couple of weeks.

    I prefer using my calories for something healthy, satisfying and nutritious to eat rather than (what I felt was) wasting them on a drink that didn't help or benefit me in the long run.
  • liljen2005
    lost 2 lbs this week! , gonna do it again next week! hopefully go down a few more lbs!!
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    really, no good, fast weight of is just water....not fat....stick to good food!!! Really, I did it for the same reasons but the weight will come back.....
  • GOP1386
    Wow... you all are sooo negative... I never post... but I feel like someone needs to speak up..

    First of all, I'm a guy, 27 years old. Last year, I weighed 285 pounds so I started dieting. I went on a 1500 calorie diet plus an hr of exercise everyday and lost 75 pounds in 90 days. My 1500 calorie diet consisted of 2 slim fast- everyday. The key is to eat 250 calories every 3 hrs. Example:

    6am - slimfast & fruit cup (230 cal)

    9am - sardines on 5 crackers (240 cal)

    12pm- slimfast, fruit cup (230 cal)

    3pm- packaged salmon & v8 low sodium (250 cal)

    6am - grilled chicken, onions and bell peppers (400 cals)

    Indulgence: 1 nature valley granola bar (for the grain) 190 cal

    You don't use the slim fast 3-2-1 plan... but you do use the milkshakes for the vitamins, minerals and for the convenience. Like I say, I enjoy the slim fast... but the atkins shakes are alittle better (plus they have strawberry flavor) and again, use them to count calories. A milkshake is heavy on your stomach and will temporarily provide hunger relief...but I never really had excess hunger pains cause, hey, I was able to eat every 3 hours...

    What worked for me was slimfast, fish and chicken.

    Secondly, you must exercise also. I don't have to run 6 miles- hell you don't even have to run- just do something to keep your heart rate up for 60 minutes. A fast heart rate increases your cardiovascular health and also BURNS CALORIES. Just 1 hr a day- run, swimming, play basketball, football, doesn't matter... when I first started I'd run for 30 seconds then walk 90 seconds- the entire time ur walking yr heart should be pounding... of course thats when I was a lazy-fatty, and u need to adjust to what your body reacts to... you get the idea...

    Anyways, so sick of people doggin slim fast. It is as advertised- MEAL REPLACEMENT. Doesn't matter if you drink Slim Fast for a year if your pounding down a large pizza at night or sitting at home watching CSI re-runs. Slim Fast clearly advertises you can lose weight with DIET AND EXCERCISE...

    SO YES... SLIM FAST WORKS... if you count calories properly and excercise
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Wow... you all are sooo negative... I never post... but I feel like someone needs to speak up..

    :huh: That Slim Fast must be some downright magical stuff to elicit such an emotional response to a thread from 3 years ago.
  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 477 Member
    What is with all these necro threads lately???