Weight Loss Challenge - 1 week ONLY



  • I'm in! Starting weight for 3/21/11 164
    Weight for Saturday 3/26/11 TBA
    Goal Weight 150 lbs by May 1
  • tiarra77
    tiarra77 Posts: 39
    My starting weight for this challenge:
    3/21/11 = 303.2:huh:

    My weight for Saturday 3/26/11 = (TBA) :tongue:
    Total pounds lost for this 1 Week Challenge = (TBA) :love:
  • Starting weight for 21/3/2011 = 154 lbs
  • StrongHeart
    StrongHeart Posts: 293 Member
    It is said that anyone can do anything for just 1 week. :smile:
    If you agree that you can stay on a healthy diet and exercise program for ONE WEEK then I am asking you to join me in a 1 Week Weight Loss Challenge. This challenge beginsTODAY Monday, March 21st - and ends Saturday, March 26th.

    The winner will be determined by being the person with the biggest loss in pounds at the end of Saturday (3/26/11).
    There would be no actual "prize" for winning, but I sure would appreciate at least one person joining me for this week only.

    If you wish to join me just post your starting weight for today (3/21/11) then come back Saturday to post your weight and the total number of pounds lost for the week.

    Thanks in advance for all who join me for this 1 Week Challenge!!
    Let the competition begin :happy: :drinker:

    My starting weight for this challenge:
    3/21/11 = 398.5

    My weight for Saturday 3/26/11 = (TBA)
    Total pounds lost for this 1 Week Challenge = (TBA)

    :blushing: Just a Note to clear up a question...
    It was brought to my attentionthat this is not one FULL WEEK, but I did not think to post the challenge Sunday.
    So in this case it is a short week - Monday through Saturday.

    If I post another similar challenge in the future I will make sure I get it online early Sunday morning and then it will end on the Saturday evening of that week.
  • melkneec
    melkneec Posts: 309 Member
    I'm in. :)

    My starting weight for this challenge:
    3/21/11 = 220.0 Lb

    My weight for Saturday 3/26/11 = (TBA)
    Total pounds lost for this 1 Week Challenge = (TBA)
  • 2BaNewMe2
    2BaNewMe2 Posts: 102 Member
    I'm in :) Any motivation is great!!

    My starting weight
    3/21/11 - 272

    My weight for Saturday 3/26/11 -
    Total pounds lost for this 1 week challenge -
  • AmandaR910
    AmandaR910 Posts: 991
    My starting weight for this challenge:
    3/21/11 = 183.4

    My weight for Saturday 3/26/11 = (TBA)
    Total pounds lost for this 1 Week Challenge = (TBA)
  • JosieMomGramma
    JosieMomGramma Posts: 727 Member
    Well like I said on my status page I need a challenge even though I just lost 4lbs in the past 4 days I am with you.
    3/21/11 starting weight is 246.4 lbs
    To everyone who has taken this challenge good luck & healthy eating!!

    My weight for saturday 3/26/11 = (TBA)

    Total pounds lost for the 1 week challenge = (TBA)
  • mt2008
    mt2008 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm in!

    My starting weight for this challenge:
    3/21/11 = 236.4

    My weight for Saturday 3/26/11 = (TBA)
    Total pounds lost for this 1 Week Challenge = (TBA)

    Good luck all!
  • ItsMeMaryW
    ItsMeMaryW Posts: 119 Member
    My Starting weight is 291

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    See ya Saturday! :)
  • acmcoc
    acmcoc Posts: 125 Member
    Me! Me! Me! I want in! I only lost 1 pound last week, so anything to help me! Starting weight is 294.
  • StrongHeart
    StrongHeart Posts: 293 Member
    Well it is approaching the end of Tuesday.
    For those of you who have joined me in my 1 Week Challenge - just a reminder that Saturday is only 4 days away.

    May we all find the strength and determination to finish this challenge successfully.
    Let us keep our eyes on the goal that is most important to each one of us. :smile:

    Think of the reason why that extra portion is not important.
    For example - today I faced temptation and won by telling myself that the extra helping I wanted at lunch was NOT more important than my desire to prove to myself and my family that I CAN stick to my diet goals for 1 week.
    It also helped to remember that I am competing against some "big losers". :happy:

    I was amazed at how those two thoughts helped me push away from the table and forget about the extra helping. :happy:

    Hugs to all of my weight loss friends - you are all becoming very special and very important to me. :heart:
  • StrongHeart
    StrongHeart Posts: 293 Member
    Friday, March 25th:
    Tomorrow is Saturday - The end of my 1 Week Challenge!
    I will be weighing-in first thing in the morning, but the others who joined me in the challenge can weigh-in anytime Saturday.
    Best wishes to all of you for a successful week. I am looking forward to seeing each of your results :happy:
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    My starting weight for this challange was 210 pounds
    My weight this morning was 207.5 ! I lost 2.5 pounds this week !
  • acmcoc
    acmcoc Posts: 125 Member
    I only lost 1 lb! Boo!
  • AmandaR910
    AmandaR910 Posts: 991
    My starting weight for this challenge:
    3/21/11 = 183.4

    My weight for Saturday 3/26/11 = (TBA)
    Total pounds lost for this 1 Week Challenge = (TBA)

    179.8lbs today (was loser yesterday lol).
    Total loss-4lbs!!
  • StrongHeart
    StrongHeart Posts: 293 Member
    My starting weight for this challenge was: 3/21/11 = 398.5

    My weight for Saturday 3/26/11 is = 393 !!! :happy:

    Total pounds lost for this 1 Week Challenge = lost 5.5 pounds since last weigh-in!
    I've lost 31.5 pounds so far :drinker:
  • ysamatar
    ysamatar Posts: 484 Member
    I'm in. My current weight is: 182.8

    SW: 3/21/11 =182.8
    Saturday Weight 3/26/11 (TBA)

    3/26/11 179.2 lost 3.6

    Let's start new week challenge.
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    OK I'm in
    Starting weight 3/21/11: 250.4 lbs

    Weight 3/26/11: TBA

    Weight 3/26/11 243.8 lbs
    lost: 6.6 lbs!
    I don't entirely trust the scales! I change the battery this morning as well.

    But I guess I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth!
    That means since I started in November I have lost 40 pounds!
  • StrongHeart
    StrongHeart Posts: 293 Member
    Starting weight 3/21/11: 250.4 lbs
    Weight 3/26/11 243.8 lbs
    lost: 6.6 lbs!
    I don't entirely trust the scales! I change the battery this morning as well.

    But I guess I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth!
    That means since I started in November I have lost 40 pounds!

    WOW! 6.6 lost!!! So far you are the "biggest loser" - way to go girl! :drinker: 3 cheers!
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