Bad Knee's Any Advice?

AmwayMan Posts: 20
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
Any advise on better cardio with bad knee's? I can't run of use any machines that put pressure on knee's. I can walk at a slow pace. I really want to raise my heart rate up to get a good cardio work-out. Any advise would be very helpful.


  • kerridactyl
    kerridactyl Posts: 9 Member
    I have bad knees too, and I actually found an exercise video that is PERFECT for working around it. It's a George Foreman video (how awesome is that?!) called "Walk it off with George". It's fun, engaging, and really does get your heart going and energy up; most importantly, it's incredibly gentle on your knees.

    You should try it and let me know what you think! I'm going to start exercising again with that video as the core to my routine. :)
  • AmwayMan
    AmwayMan Posts: 20
    Thank you, I will look for the video.
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    Water - swimming is a great cardio workout. And if you don't know how to swim, just walking in the water is a great workout, too. I've also attended water aerobics, which are fun.
  • amehrkens
    amehrkens Posts: 162 Member
    I actually have a bad hip so not quite the same but I found that the elliptical is so much better and easier for me than the treadmill. Also I agree with the previous poster about water aerobics. The water is a great cushion.
  • letsdothis2010
    letsdothis2010 Posts: 190 Member
    I had surgery on my one knee and the other isn't in the best shape either. I love the stationary bike! Recumbent or upright are both great. My physical therapist recommends this highly and I find it helps to "loosen up" the pain in them.
  • cesctheman
    cesctheman Posts: 139 Member
    Yes i had bad knees since i was 17 and found cycling to be very good for my knees. Shame that i have not done it for a while......
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    I had bad knees and just had knee surgery last month.Swimming was a was good for me.Some did good on the bike.I could only walk for short distances.try different things and see what works best for you!!
    Good luck!!
  • fatlass70
    fatlass70 Posts: 136 Member
    I share you pain - I have either snapped or torn every ligament in both knees over the years so am limited in what I can do too. My physio suggested that stationary bike is good - it helps to build the muscles in the knees to provide the stability I'm now missing - not sure what your knee problem is - but it is very gentle on my knees.

    I have also started pilates this year and that's been great (not yoga though as there's too much pressure through your knees when holding yoga poses). Pilates has been really good for building my 'core' muscles and has improved my posture - and gives the added benefit of a really good nights sleep!!

    And the others are right - swimming or water aerobics is good for knees as the water supports your weight. Just don't do the normal legs on breast stroke (use crawl legs instead) - my physio told me that breast stroke legs is the worst thing you can do with bad knees!!

    Good luck
  • Jillian Michaels shadow boxing if you have any lower body injury. It will get your heart rate up, plus it builds muscles in your arms. I have had to do the recumbent bike. I have knee problems too, so I have been trying to focus on my upper body until the weight comes off and my knee can heal. I do a lot of circuit training with weights, push-ups, pull-ups, dips, dead lifts, and free weights. I do lots of core exercises to strengthen my back (plank, seated bicycle, hanging knee raises). My physical therapist said I need to strengthen my hips, too, so leg raises (Jane Fonda style) have helped strengthened my hips, which has helped my knees. I figure building muscle will only lead to more fat loss in the end anyway, and I like to eat so I earn my calories by exercising. Good luck!
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    My rheum MD also recommends any type of stationary bike. Eliptical is sometimes too much movement on the knees and as others have noted, anything in water. Ice your knees after and take Motrin.
  • I have injured both knees and can understand your pain. When I was first injured I loved water exercises, which I highly recommend if you can. I was in physical therapy for several months and once they taught me which exercises to strengthen the knee and around the knee I could definitely do much more. I sometimes just march in place and do calestenics and that gets my heartrate going :) I can walk with a stretch knee brace I bought at Walgreens. If you haven't been in physical therapy yet and your insurance covers it - I highly recommend it because they can teach you how to strengthen, then help educate you on what you can and cannot do :0 best of luck to you!!
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