Do weekend calories count?

Yes I know weekend calories count. I just for some reson have the hardest time recording my foods (and drinks) on the weekends. I am a little more conscious of what I eat on the weekends now that I started this program. I still find it difficult to keep track of my foods and to give up my wine on Saturday night. Anyone else have this problem?


  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I did at first and I still have times when I go a way over my calories on the weekends. But since I've started being more faithful tracking on weekends and being honest with myself, the weight is coming off faster.
  • ejharris
    ejharris Posts: 6
    I have trouble with staying in my calorie range on the weekends as well, but I have been religious about recording just how bad I've been. Seeing the numbers helps me to reign myself in a little bit more each weekend. I think what Catherine said about being honest with yourself helping the weight come off is completely true.
  • ssawchenko
    I totally do. Weekends are the worst for me, hanging out with friends and eating out etc. After keeping a journal for awhile though, I think we can make more educated guesses as to what is "ok" when you eat out. Maybe only eat 1/2 of the dinner and bring the rest home for lunch the next day. Or if you're having that glass of wine, then don't have the appetizer.

    I think it's important to still let yourself have the little things (in moderation!!!) so that our diet is a sustainable life change.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Given my last few disastrous weekend, I'm thinking of experimenting with a 24-hour binge window - say 7pm Saturday to 7pm Sunday - to see if that has much of an effect on overall weightloss and stops me feeling deprived. I still record every mouthful though!
  • pghfan
    pghfan Posts: 119
    Weekends are my downfall as well. So, a couple weeks ago I decided not to drink any alcohol AT ALL for five weeks. It's a mindset thing for me, if I know that I am going to go alcohol-free all weekend, it is much easier for me to do than to say, I'll just have one or two glasses of wine (NOT). My reward will be a weekend "off" at the end when we are going away for a couple days with friends. Knowing I have this break at the end really motivates me, as well as the weight coming off a LOT faster while I am not drinking. Good luck!!!
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    Given my last few disastrous weekend, I'm thinking of experimenting with a 24-hour binge window - say 7pm Saturday to 7pm Sunday - to see if that has much of an effect on overall weightloss and stops me feeling deprived. I still record every mouthful though!

    I have a real problem with anyone setting themselves up for disaster. If you had a friend who was an alcoholic would you be happy to hear that they have given themselves 24 hours to "binge drink"? Out of control eating is just as self-defeating as out of control drinking. We are here to encourage each other to eat healthy and live a fit lifestyle which includes weekends. Instead of giving yourself permission to eat anything you want (thoughtless eating) how about planning ahead for some special foods that you can enjoy. Maybe a big steak cooked on the BBQ with loads of healthy veggies that you didn't have time for during the week. Have a larger portion of protein is a better way to treat yourself then eating garbage which no one needs. Be kind to yourself by keeping a food journal on the weekends so that you can reach your goals without all the yo-yo, scale hating ups and downs. Keep the course and be proud of your self-control. It is the out of control eating that got us here to begin with. Feeling deprived is just that, a feeling. You can choose a different feeling, self-control, happiness over a job well done, less self-hatred, you get to choose how you feel.
  • deannarey13
    deannarey13 Posts: 452
    Given my last few disastrous weekend, I'm thinking of experimenting with a 24-hour binge window - say 7pm Saturday to 7pm Sunday - to see if that has much of an effect on overall weightloss and stops me feeling deprived. I still record every mouthful though!

    I have a real problem with anyone setting themselves up for disaster. If you had a friend who was an alcoholic would you be happy to hear that they have given themselves 24 hours to "binge drink"? Out of control eating is just as self-defeating as out of control drinking. We are here to encourage each other to eat healthy and live a fit lifestyle which includes weekends. Instead of giving yourself permission to eat anything you want (thoughtless eating) how about planning ahead for some special foods that you can enjoy. Maybe a big steak cooked on the BBQ with loads of healthy veggies that you didn't have time for during the week. Have a larger portion of protein is a better way to treat yourself then eating garbage which no one needs. Be kind to yourself by keeping a food journal on the weekends so that you can reach your goals without all the yo-yo, scale hating ups and downs. Keep the course and be proud of your self-control. It is the out of control eating that got us here to begin with. Feeling deprived is just that, a feeling. You can choose a different feeling, self-control, happiness over a job well done, less self-hatred, you get to choose how you feel.

    Amazing response!!!! :)
  • MsMouseMouse
    MsMouseMouse Posts: 92 Member
    Have any of you heard of the "No S diet"? This site is free also, and you have people there who offer lots of support. Some have lost lots of weight on this.. It's concept is follow the program from Monday to Friday with no sweets, no seconds and no snacks except on S days. Saturday, Sunday, and special days.. Birthdays Anniversaries.
    I liked it there but there was no recording of food..
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Wow, thanks for your impassioned response LaJauna.

    I'd just add that unlike an alcoholic, I don't have any kind of mental or physical dependency. Also unlike alcohol none of us can do without food.

    I know that some people have trouble getting back on track after a bad day, but I don't personally find that to be the case. It seems to work for me, I'm dropping weight, even after a weekend. I record everything and certainly don't experience "self hate".

    Not being any kind of professional, I certainly wouldn't recommend my approach to anyone else, though several modern dietary and fitness writers do recommend versions of a "binge day" or fluctuating calories through the week.
  • Chica650
    Chica650 Posts: 14 Member
    The weekends are SO HARD. I do GREAT during the week, but we eat out a LOT on the weekends and I have a hard time wanting to or making good choices when we eat out. I'm a teacher and we just got done with spring break, and that was HARD on me being home and being around all that food all the time. I have GOT to figure out a better way to stay strong when summer break is here b/c I'm afraid I'll just sit and eat all summer!! I do think that it helps that I make myself exercise at least 5x/week. That way, even if I do go over my calories, I'm still working out. BUT, I have a hard time logging everything on the weekends as well, so...yep. I'm in this boat. I say we just take a vote that weekend calories do NOT count... :wink:
  • Froggy1976
    Froggy1976 Posts: 472
    A cheat day is well deserved every once in a while. I agree, obviously!
  • brendagangadin
    I use to too. I would be all this temptation, and all I can eat is salad and a chicken breast. But I realized if I see on the weekend, I would only loose a pound a week. If I stay strict on my diet, I will loose 3 pounds for the week. So anytime I tempted to cheat I tell my self, eating this bowl of ice cream, will delay my goal is it worth it? And then I put it down. If you stick to your calorie goal, you will see results faster then cheating on the weekend.
  • meinnit
    meinnit Posts: 3
    I'm really lucky with weekends, I play rugby on saturday and ref a game on sunday each burns c1400 calories, therefore I can eat 3400 calories and still be under my target. The wonders of exercise!
  • Marrissam
    Marrissam Posts: 12
    Given my last few disastrous weekend, I'm thinking of experimenting with a 24-hour binge window - say 7pm Saturday to 7pm Sunday - to see if that has much of an effect on overall weightloss and stops me feeling deprived. I still record every mouthful though!

    If you have the discipline to go back to your diet after 1 or 2 days of cheating then you should be rewarded.... :)

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and can make their own decisions. If they regret the decision made then they have the power to change it the next time.

    I cheated this weekend and I am right back on my diet today.... I didnt gain or lose so I am happy!
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    Wow, thanks for your impassioned response LaJauna.
    Also unlike alcohol none of us can do without food.

    Alcoholics have to make choices every time they are in situations that require a drink in your hand, most social situations included. It is not unlike those of us (me particularly) that must make choices every time I eat. Do I eat junk that is of no value to my health and fitness or do I CHOOSE to eat it. Yes I do have to eat every day, but I am in control of what I put in my mouth not unlike an alcoholic who has to be in control of that he or she drinks. Every thing we do each day is a series of choices. And yes, I am passionate about my health. Maybe for the first time in my lifetime.
  • jtp5184
    jtp5184 Posts: 138 Member
    I believe they do but to counteract that i try not to eat back my calories burned during the week. This way i have a deficit so that if i do go over my calories its ok because i already burned them. of course i dont go out with this mind set i try to stick to being healthy but sometimes life gets in the way and you have a little set back.
  • yumcheese
    yumcheese Posts: 30 Member
    I don't record on weekends either. Not because I binge eat, but because I want to have those two days where I don't have to obsessively log everything! I still eat very well (with maybe an extra drink or two) but it feels great to have the mental break from logging. Makes me feel like I'm normal and not dieting my whole life.
  • emchamberlain
    emchamberlain Posts: 133 Member
    I don't record on weekends either. Not because I binge eat, but because I want to have those two days where I don't have to obsessively log everything! I still eat very well (with maybe an extra drink or two) but it feels great to have the mental break from logging. Makes me feel like I'm normal and not dieting my whole life.

    Yes, I do this. I still try to eat well, but I'll have a few glasses of wine with dinner and I won't sweat it if it's one of those rare weeks where I go out to eat. The break, for me, isn't the change in what I'm eating. It's not doing the dang logging.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Finding out how many calories I need to get the results from my exercising program has been a struggle. MFP helps me out so much and having the app on my phone certainly helps when I'm out to eat. I don't have cheat days or meals, if I want a glass of wine or a canoli, I just have it and log it. This definitely helps me to not go overboard on anything. For some reason I also love when I put my exercise in and my goal of calories for the day goes up.
  • AMSull19
    AMSull19 Posts: 37 Member
    i used to until i vowed to log my bad food choices too...that meant logging the drinks and pizza etc. when you see how many calories all that stuff is it really curbs your behaviors. I still have my wine once or twice a weekend, but i alot a set amount into my calories. I eat take out once a week, but no matter how bad the numbers look, i log it. hope that helps....good luck