New to MFP

Hello everyone my name is Genia and I started on here a week ago. Since I am getting close to 44 I have been pretty set in my ways. I had lost tons of weight when I was in my late 20's and kept it off for years, but of course it has snuck it's way back on (with help from me of course). So far I have been able to lost 10 lbs but have around 50-60 more to go. I have hard days where I want my usual foods and drinks (I am a HUGE Dr Pepper-a-holic) but I am trying to hang in there. Right now I am doing a combo of calorie counting and Atkins. Not sure how long I can handle the Atkins things, but I will stick with it as long as I can. But I do believe the calorie count is going to be around for awhile. I do worry about next month, my husband just returned from deployment so we will be taking leave for the month and heading to see my family in Texas (my mom and dad aren't the healthiest of cooks lol). I plan on trying to be strong and sticking with it, so I am sure I will need tons of support at that time. Anyway, that is a bit about me and so far I am so loving this site. It has made it SO much easier for me to watch my calories. Thanks for the support and thanks for listening.


  • SammieGetsFit
    SammieGetsFit Posts: 432 Member
    My advice... tell your parents you're all having a big healthy salad every day for lunch and organic tofu casseroles for dinner. It'll totally work. Oh, and welcome. :tongue:
  • Chrissy_Michelle
    Chrissy_Michelle Posts: 176 Member
    :smile: Hello! welcome to MFP! Feel free to add me
  • SuzetteMerashino
    Hi, I'm new also. I joined just today. My friend is on here too so she and I are doing it together! I am super excited.
    I am moving from Dublin to London in September for work and I really want to be fit and healthy for it, not just that but for work I need to be, I'm a free lance make up artist and I spend a lot of time racing around on set... so.....

    Well done on the weight loss so far!

  • gglover833
    Thank you ladies. I am jealous, I would LOVE to go to London. I'm sure you will look great before you get there (you look great in your pic already). That sounds like an amazing job as well. Enjoy London and I'm sure you can also get to the goal you have.
  • judywcook
    Hi!, I'm new to MFP. I believe it is just what I am looking for. I have found that I need to keep records of what I eat and my exercise in order to lose any weight. I think my brain has become too old to remember from one day to the next what I ate. I will be 65 years old next month and never needed to lose any weight until I turned 55 years old. It seemed at that point my body just started rebelling against me. I love to bake and my weakness is sweets. Since it is only my husband and myself we will eat all I bake so I have had to quit baking.
    I'm hoping to meet new friends on here to help me with motivation and whom I can help as well. I'm a substitute teacher, mostly high school, so I have a high stress job. Thankfully, I don't work every day now.
    I need to lose 30 pounds. I have gained most of this weight in the past 3 years. I had to buy new clothes last summer because of weight gain and here I am approaching another summer with no clothes to fit. I do not plan to go buy bigger clothes. I can't afford it and I just hate the thought of having to do that again this year. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all.
  • jebfab2612
    Hello! Welcome to MFP! If you want support f eel free to friend me :)