myfitnesspal and bodybugg together?

Anyone else have success with using the bodybugg armband to track calories burned and myfitnesspal to keep track of calories?
I love my bodybugg, but their food database is really lacking and kind of a pain to use.
Just curious to know if anyone else is using this combo! :)


  • PoleBoy
    PoleBoy Posts: 255 Member
    The one good thing about their site is you can switch to "daily estimate" for calories - and type your MFP values in there.

    For the things they have in their database, the micro-nutrients are nice - but given you can't even type in your own values for polyunsaturates an monosaturates for everything else it becomes pointless.

    Personally, I'm sickened at having to pay a monthly fee to get my own readings off the arm band - on top of having had to pay for the device. However. I have a plan.
  • 79Annika
    79Annika Posts: 9
    The one good thing about their site is you can switch to "daily estimate" for calories - and type your MFP values in there.

    For the things they have in their database, the micro-nutrients are nice - but given you can't even type in your own values for polyunsaturates an monosaturates for everything else it becomes pointless.

    Personally, I'm sickened at having to pay a monthly fee to get my own readings off the arm band - on top of having had to pay for the device. However. I have a plan.

    Where is the "daily estimate" option? I haven't seen it.

    I agree about the monthly fee as well, I just renewed mine for another 6 months though.
  • PoleBoy
    PoleBoy Posts: 255 Member
    on the Activity manager, hover over "nutrition", then click "daily estimate" on the menu that comes up - and type your MFP value in the box.
  • PoleBoy
    PoleBoy Posts: 255 Member
    you can make the estimate your default calorie counting by hovering over "settings", clicking "preferences" in the menu that pops up, and choosing "Daily estimate" that appears in the drop-down menu for "Default Nutrition Method"
  • bentobee
    bentobee Posts: 321 Member
    I have BodyMedia and I either use the "daily estimate" option or this:

    - made my own food in which 1oz = 1 calorie
    - at each meal I just add in that food x the amout of calories were in it.

    For example, my breakfast is usually 325 calories, so I'll just pick that made-up food option and make my serving size be 325oz. :)
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    I have been using the BodyMedia Fit armband and MFP and I enjoy them both! Yes, it's a pain to have to do both calorie sites but it does keep me accountable and inspired as well. I have been having great success with both. The armband keeps me motivated as does MFP! My only issue is that my daily calorie burn seems quite high as does my calories deficit! Not sure whats up with that!