Is the fruit im eating keeping me fat?

I have totally changed my diet around and have been eating a ton of melon and berries,oranges, kiwi,grapes, you name it im eating it. On top of that iv cut out junk food and eat alot more vegies and nuts in its place...why wont the scale drop???? Im following a weightwatcher plan, and staying in my points, but the weight wont drop. HELP!!!


  • cahira
    cahira Posts: 163
    If you're doing the new WW plan, are you counting fruit? Some folks are finding that when they are truly eating too much fruit and not counting it, that it is stalling their weight loss. You say a "ton" of fruit - how much is it really? If we can figure out how many calories of fruit you are consuming you can have a better idea of whether it is stalling you.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    anything in excess will cause you to gain weight. I would be heavily inclined to say look at your protein intake and see whats going on there, and also look to measurements and not the scale for true fat loss.
  • RobinSturgeon
    RobinSturgeon Posts: 30 Member
    Good point. Fruit on the new weight watcher program is point free (even though i know they have cals) Im eating 1 apple 1 orange 2 cups of canteloupe, 1cup mixed berries in my smoothie, and 1 med banana. That seems alot for 1 day doesnt it...I thought it was better to eat that, then crackers or granola bars. I dont know what to do/
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    try tracking it on mfp and then look to the totals, I do not recommend any 1 method for weight loss other than what you educate yourself about and learn the basics with a good foundation you can make a strong life change.
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    Good point. Fruit on the new weight watcher program is point free (even though i know they have cals) Im eating 1 apple 1 orange 2 cups of canteloupe, 1cup mixed berries in my smoothie, and 1 med banana. That seems alot for 1 day doesnt it...I thought it was better to eat that, then crackers or granola bars. I dont know what to do/

    Just a rough guess here based on what you listed as your intake from fruit. I'd say you're probably consuming anywhere from 400-500 calories in fruit alone.
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    When I mentioned to my Dr. that I had joined WW online and that fruits were now "free" she looked at me like I was nuts and said "Fruits aren't free! Nothing is FREE." and then she wrote down the name of this site.

    Eating too much fruit won't make you fat. Eating too many calories will keep you from losing weight.

    It sounds like you've really cleaned up your diet and that is something to be proud of.
    Keep eating your fruit but count it.
  • Chrissy_Michelle
    Chrissy_Michelle Posts: 176 Member
    Hello! I can see you don't have much weight to lose and that your body may not want to give it up so easily. I have only 13lbs to lose and my body doesn't want to let it go! It can be very frustrating because we work so hard for what seems to be nothing. I was told by a trainer that although my cardio workouts are good, I need progressive strength training as well. Lean bodies that want to get leaner have a harder time. There is nothing wrong, in my opnion, to eat the fruit you are eating. Experts say 5 servings of fruits/veggies per day. Use your muscles! Muscle burns fat! Keep doing WW. I lost 90lbs on works...just add strength training 2-3 times per week in addition to your cardio. Good luck and feel free to add me :smile:
  • BecksgotBack
    BecksgotBack Posts: 385 Member
    Hello! I can see you don't have much weight to lose and that your body may not want to give it up so easily. I have only 13lbs to lose and my body doesn't want to let it go! It can be very frustrating because we work so hard for what seems to be nothing. I was told by a trainer that although my cardio workouts are good, I need progressive strength training as well. Lean bodies that want to get leaner have a harder time. There is nothing wrong, in my opnion, to eat the fruit you are eating. Experts say 5 servings of fruits/veggies per day. Use your muscles! Muscle burns fat! Keep doing WW. I lost 90lbs on works...just add strength training 2-3 times per week in addition to your cardio. Good luck and feel free to add me :smile:

    I agree with most of the have to count your fruit, and they are loaded with carbs (but good carbs) my afternoon snack alone today is going to be more than my HUGE lunch. Just keep counting all the calories cause they all add up. I also don't have much to lose--actually i don't think i'll lose anything by time i'm done, i just want to shed some jiggle and tone up for summer. and yes, do more strength training-the more muscle you have the more you burn.
    BTW, Yay! i've found another canadian--feel free to add me as a friend if you like :)