Stress and weight loss..or lack of weight loss

Arynamber Posts: 162 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
Just wondering how much stress can really stop weight loss?

I feel like I am attempting to lose weight and not much is happening.. my sister says maybe its to do with all the stress.


  • lynzyn
    lynzyn Posts: 119 Member
    Stress has Alot to do with loosing weight your body has it's own way of screwing with u...Try not to stress too much about your weight sounds like u have enough of it in your life, i would in your case just watch your food intake and exercise as much as u can....I mean all of us as humans knows what is good for u and bad for u to eat.....So just watch it and exercise that is the key exercise even if it is a walk or something...I am kinda in the same boat lots lots lots of stress but i do what i can when i can do it....I just watch it that's all ....

    I also think most of us on here are too consumed with how we look isn't it supposed to be how u feel? I feel great been watching my food intake exercising alot haven't lost much weight but i have more energy and feel just all round good....Just do what u can and watch it that's my advice! Good luck :)
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Just me, but I do believe that stress can cause no weight loss and/or weight gain. I am sorry to hear you are really going through a rough time right now but things will work out. There is a plan out there for you and your family. I've been there and things always seem to work themselves out at the very last second.
  • jrlitt76
    jrlitt76 Posts: 52
    stress plays a big part on your ability to lose weight, stress increases cortisol in the body which triggers chemicals that basically say 'hold the fat we dont know whats going on here'...its the fight or flight syndrome in humans. I am sorry to hear of all the stress you are experiencing, its sounds very tough. But you will pull through. Try doing some yoga every other day on top of your workouts, yoga not only helps with stretching and extra calorie burn, but incorporates meditation to focus and aleviate stress.
  • im sorry about all youre going through. Stress can def hault weight can also make you lose weight so just keep at it the healthy way. its tough but keep thinking that if you put the time and effort into it you will eventually see might take time but you will. also are you eating enough cause stress will make you lose your appetite so make sure you are getting the nutrients your body needs and log it in your diary everyday!
  • Rocking_Robin
    Rocking_Robin Posts: 238 Member
    That is a tough one hun!! Sorry to hear all this.. I have a stressful like my hubby has MS and we live a stressful life every day. Even though we try our best to ignore alot of the stresses it still gets us. I am able to lose weight but to me it is slow to me, but it is something! I have lost 19 pounds since 12/10. I find focusing on me with my exercise and eating right and the support of MFP helps me be better than I was before I joined MFP. I am an emotional eater so some days are tougher than others to eat healthy but the stress and the weight was beginning to effect my own health and my family needs me to stay healthy!! I say keep trying, what do you for workouts to relieve your stress, that helps me, maybe increase your workouts a bit and maybe you will have some better luck!!
    Good Luck
  • Soopermomma
    Soopermomma Posts: 11 Member
    Sorry, to hear that you are undergoing an excessively stressful time. I will send you good thoughts for a peaceful time.

    I know, that when I was ill I gained alot of weight in my stomach The stress was very spirit crushing. The weight gain was very frustrating because I was living off of a few bowls of broth per day. So because of this experience I feel stress is a tremendous factor in weight gain and weight loss.

    "May the road rise up to meet you and the sun shine warm upon your face."
  • malias
    malias Posts: 82
    Stress and Hormones!! Arrrrggghh! Seriously, an excessive amount of either of these can certainly hinder your weight loss progress. Try to work through it by just staying the course. While it may not show on the scale, a good, healthy lifestyle can make a difference to how one copes with stressors. When life calms down, your body will react positively! Stay on your plan and use your supports, like this site, to help you get through. We are here for each other! Good luck and Hang in there!
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    You should tell your husband to look into contractor's that are hiring for re-building in Kuwait/Afghanistan/etc.... Many companies are hiring military personnel right after being discharged to work anywhere from 3-18 months. One company is Dynacorp, Aerotek is also a temp agency that is hiring for other military contractors...just a thought....
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    I hear you!lots of stress here.I try to do what I can to do what I can to be healthy.Eating the best I can.I can`t ex like I want due to surgery,but I know I will in time.Worrying about loosing everything since my husband lost his job2 years ago and i`m not able to work,but I know there`s a plan for us.I`m not using this for an excuse to eat.I know for me,exercise helped with the stress.But you can do what you can to get healthy despite the stress you have.
    Good luck!!:flowerforyou:
  • Arynamber
    Arynamber Posts: 162 Member
    Thanks all!
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