Another runner here, just trying to lose 20lbs

anzura Posts: 171
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi all you fitness buffs! :D Just came to the forum is this a busy place!

I started logging my food and exercise again on MFP in the hopes to drop 20lbs by summerish...or at the latest next December when I attempt to run my 2nd marathon.

I'm currently training for a half on April 30th.

I find it really challenging to lose weight while being an active runner. I'm hungry all the time!! Especially after a weekend long run. Ugh!

Would love some supportive running friends :)



  • mouthofthesouth
    mouthofthesouth Posts: 11 Member
    Me too! I am a runner and find it extremely hard not to down everything in site after a long run. I am running my second half May 15th so I am right there with you on the training.

    Would love to be runners need all the support we can :-)
    Good luck!
  • I understand your situation completely! My suggestion is, after the upcoming race in April, slow down on running and focus on losing the weight. I've tried to lose weight too while running, and it's just about impossible. I'm trying to focus on losing weight now, and then this fall start running distance again. I'm hoping after I lose this weight, I will be a faster runner. Good luck to you whatever you choose to do!
  • jrlitt76
    jrlitt76 Posts: 52
    I am also in the same boat, wanting to lose 20 pounds but also training for a half in May...seems the magic number of calories burned to consumed to maintain efficient fuel is ellusive at best..
  • I am a runner/triathlete also trying to drop a good 15 lbs. I am a rare runner who can train for a marathon and out eat what I burn!! I have found logging my caloric intake has really made me aware of how many calories I am actually eating!! I have found using chocolate skim milk as my recovery drink has helped to curve the 'post ' run hungries!! I have read numerous articles promoting this as a recovery drink. My first 1/2 is May 21st. I think we need to really keep a eye on how many calories we are intaking and eat smart.
  • anzura
    anzura Posts: 171
    I see I'm not alone!

    Yes to the chocolate milk recovery! I would prefer a beer though. Haha! I'll have to be more diligent getting that recovery drink in first thing. I have a bad habit of just plopping down at the computer to log my run and I end up not moving for an hour. Bad bad bad!
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