Weight fluctuation, my experience, don't let it get you down

I post this in the "new to MFP" section because I really don't post that often, and thought it would be a good reintroduction to what I'm dealing with while dropping weight.

I've learned that my scale is my best friend, and my worst enemy. I worked out everyday last week except for Friday. When I say I worked out, I mean it. I go hard, for at least two hours at a time, and while cardio sucks, weights have become a serious hobby to me, and I love it.

Either way, Saturday, after a hard workout, I headed to my local subway for a 6-inch turkey breast on wheat (a frequent of mine). I went home and ate, also had my usual gatorade/teaspoon of creatine (for muscle regeneration) to drink. About a half hour after eating I went upstairs, and right before I got in the shower, I weighed myself. According to the scale I was 274.6. I was FLOORED! This meant a total weight loss of 27lbs! Needless to say, I was pretty excited.

Later that day, just for kicks, I weighed myself again. This time, the scale said 279.4. Talk about a serious buzz kill. I thought I'd hit some kind of amazing weight loss fountain of youth type of deal.

Long story short, if this happens to you, don't let it get you down. It sucked, and bummed me out for a few minutes, but the truth is, water weight will fluctuate like that throughout the day. I do weight myself in the mornings typically, and usually get a pretty accurate reading. I just thought I'd pass the story along to the wonderful world of MFP and see if there are any similar stories.


  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Never weigh in the evening. There's too much fluctuation from water, sodium, food, etc.

    Weigh first thing in the morning after you go to the bathroom and before eating or drinking anything. That will be your true weight.

    And your muscles will retain water after a hard strength workout so never good to weight after working out.

    Sometimes I will weigh later in the day out of curiosity, though. I guess I'm just curious on how much fluctuation. (I started heavy weight lifting last week and have put on 3 pounds from this. Trying not to let it get to me because this is normal).
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I can fluctuate by about 4 pounds within the same day, but my husband frequently fluctuates by about 12 pounds! He often weighs LESS at the end of the day than he did first thing in the morning.
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    I've all but given up weighing after I discovered that my scales (digital, and not cheap grrrrr) will differ by up to 12lb depending on where on them you stand - feet in a V shape gives the lowest, heels and toes on all 4 corners gives the highest, feet in the middle somewhere like how you'd normally stand giving something in the middle that varies again depending on exactly how you're standing.

    So I guess that's something else for people to bear in mind with fluctuations...
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Yep, my weight goes down by 3lb thoughout the day. Morning weigh ins would make me cry, evening weigh ins are the ones that work for me. I also always lose a pound aftre a good workout :)
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Also, dont let it get you down if your weight goes up and isnt fluctuating down... You are working out alot with weights, and could very easily be gaining muscle... and muscle weighs more than fat