What can I do?

JDWBrown Posts: 16
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
I broke and cracked my foot about 6-7 weeks ago. I had an apointment last Monday, and assumed that the dr would let me take the boot off as I had walked on it for 3 weeks before they would even x-ray it (I didn't know what I had done to it). So the week before that appointment I took it off for Thursday and Friday. Well, apparently I rebroke my foot while I had it off and the dr is wanting to make me wear it for another six weeks. 1 down 5 to go. Anyhow, my question is what can I do to work out my stomach. That is my main problem and I feel like I have to tuck my stomach in. The dr keeps telling me I need to put losing weight off until the boot comes off, but I disagree. I really need this weight off. Any idea on what I can do to lose my stomach in the next five weeks until he lets me start walking again?


  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    If you cant do much exercise, try sticking to your eating goals, and stick to your alloted calories.. and you will still lose some weight! Once the boot is off start working out and toning up!
  • ChefJenn
    ChefJenn Posts: 350 Member
    go to you tube and search for Ab ripper x.. its all floor exercises for the tummy

    BTW: my hubby broke his ankle last summer playing tennis and due to him NOT doing what the Dr said he was left in a boot for over 12 weeks. Those breaks are hard to heal if you keep damaging it. He too went 2 weeks b4 seeing the Dr and had bone pcs just moving around in his ankle and he tore 3 muscles in that area too by not keeping the boot on like he was told.
    but since he as on meds the whole time he lost 20 pounds in about 5 weeks b/c all he did was sleep and eat simple stuff so he didnt have to move a lot once I stayed home with him and watched out for what he was doing.
    It was hard for him too not to work out since he plays tennis 5-7 hours a day at least 5 days a week.

    hang in there honey
  • spicegeek
    spicegeek Posts: 325 Member
    there are plenty of ab exercises you can do that should not effect your feet - I would pick the ones where your legs are flat and your don`t hook your feet under anything

    You can also get cardio by doing seated rows, bench presses etc etc - just pick a very light weight and go for 40 - 50 reps. Hand bikes can also give you a work out of you have one at your local gym

    Stict to a good clean diet - you may not lose weight as fast but you should still be able to drop 1 lb a week
  • TiDinzeo
    TiDinzeo Posts: 309
    There's usually a good reason for doing what the doctor says, as long as you stay under your daily calories, you don't *need* to exercise. Nutrition is the greater part of weight loss.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    They say that the key to weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise. (Or somthing along those lines). As long as you are sticking to your calories goals you should still be losing weight with out exercising. You should be able to do crunches/situps and some upper body with the boot on.
  • JDWBrown
    JDWBrown Posts: 16
    Thanks. And i did only lose 1 pound last week. It is so frustrating because I KNOW that at my weight it is ok to lose more than that in a week and still be healthy. I have lost a significant amount of weight twice in my life and after each I got pregnant. My goal: don't get pregnant again :) I just know that I need to GET IT OFF!!!!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    These are just some of the challenges I've been doing each week...

    do these during commercials? Or do 10 of each 5 times to make 50…try and reach 200 before the end of the week.

    Twisting Crunches
    Start with lying on your back with your knees at a ninety degree angle and your hands by your side or behind your head for support. Now slowly lift your torso in a diagonal fashion (bring a shoulder towards the opposite knee). Keep your head and spine straightly aligned. Slowly return to the starting position without releasing tension on your abdominals. Repeat on other side.

    Leg Raise:
    Step 1: Lie down flat on your back, with your hands under your lower back.
    Step 2: Raise your legs a few inches off the floor, slowly. By lifting slowly, you do not gain momentum from the upwards swinging. Also, the slower the legs are raising, the more work your muscles must do, therefore giving you a better work-out. When raising your feet, raise them to a point so that your feet form an angle of 30-45 degrees. Beginners may need to raise their feet to form an angle of about 15-20 degrees.
    Step 3: Lower your feet to the floor, without your heels touching the floor. Step 4: Repeat steps 1-3.

    #2 - 3 Rounds: 1 min each
    Bicep Curls
    Tricep Dips
    Running or Walking Lunges! (you can just do static lunges in place, alternating legs if you lack the space)

    Core: 3 mins total (30s per exercise)
    basic Crunch
    Star Fish Sit Up
    Start Fish Twists
    Bird Dog R side & left side (15s per side)
  • I just went through physical therapy for a knee injury, so I know the frustration of not being able to exercise the way you want. What I did was focus on my upper body and core. Push-ups (on your knees), pull-ups, planks (on your knees), hanging knee ups, dips, and weighted exercises like tricep kickbacks, bicep curls, kettlebell exercises, and lateral raises. Here is a link to some of them I mentioned


    Plus since it is your foot that's hurt, you can do squats if you can put some weight on your foot! They are my favorite! Jillian Michaels recommended shadow boxing to increase heart rate if you have a lower body injury. If you're feeling brave enough skipping rope with one foot. Maybe a rowing machine would help also for cardio, but I don't know how much pressure you can put on your foot.

    You don't have to wait to build muscle until your foot if feeling better. Just think if you concentrate on the muscles while you are down for the count, you'll be miles ahead when you are healthy. Good luck!
  • JDWBrown
    JDWBrown Posts: 16
    Thanks, everybody. I appreciate all the encouragement and help. I will definitely utilize it all. Im not really suppose to do anymore on my foot than daily walking, but I've been moving for the past week so I think I can handle some pressure. Thanks again!
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