Stay At Home Mom

I joined MFP on March 1st, and have stayed pretty quiet and layed low. I have lost aprx 7lbs, and have a long way to go. I am a stay at home mom, my husband works long hours and I am home with my two kids most of the time, losing weight when your home all the time is tough. I am looking for friendships for support, advice, and please some recipes that are simple, healthy and not hard on your wallet. I have commited to weight loss, I log in several times a day, and try my best everyday!!! Any one else out there in a similar situation


  • rebeccaS85
    rebeccaS85 Posts: 141
    First of all, Congrats on the weight loss so far! :smile: I am in the same boat as you - my husband works 4 10 hour days and I am home during that time with my 4 yr old and my 7 1/2 month old. Feel free to add me. I feel that the hardest part for me is boredom eating.
  • JenniferH81
    JenniferH81 Posts: 285 Member
    I am too, although my daughter is in school during the day I still find it hard to make time for myself!

    Best of luck to you. This site is great for support!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Welcome! I am a stay at home mother of 4, ages: 8,6, 4, and not quite 2. :flowerforyou:
  • jsmjboertlein
    Hi. I am a stay home mom of 2 age 13 and 5. I also homeschool. My husband is in a semi working Mon-Friday, so I am alone all week day and night with my kids. Weekends are the hardest for me cause hubby comes home and he likes what I call BIG food. I am happy to support you!
  • NurseChristy3
    NurseChristy3 Posts: 41 Member
    Same son is 9 and in school...husband works long hrs and Im a SAHM. My son is involved in soooo much that I too find it challenging for weight loss. Seems like im always sitting in bleachers when Its convienent for me to walk but Ive started walking the ballpark in between games! Best of luch to you ;)
  • gavin03
    gavin03 Posts: 39
    I am a stay at home mom to of three boys. 7,4, and 2. My husband works long days as well. I go to a gym at 4:30 every morning before he leaves for work. It is hard some days but so worth it just to get out and do something for myself.
  • sumirei
    sumirei Posts: 22
    Great to find SAHM thread here. I am a SAHM to a 19 mths old boy. Lots of stuffs to do daily but I am planning to do simple exercise even when my son is having his free play time.

    My DH works long hours too. 12hrs shift and 3 hrs travelling. However, thank god his work schedules is work 2 days and off 2 days.
  • seesaey
    seesaey Posts: 231
    Welcome! I stay at home with my kids, 3 months, 2 and 4 years. The husband works long hours here too so its usually the 4 of us. Its hard to find time to workout but somehow I'm managing!
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me as your friend! I am a stay at home mom of 4 children ages 6, 4, 3, & 18 months. Plus another on the way. I currently homeschool my 6 year old, she is in 1st grade. I will be start teaching my next one kindergarten this summer.
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Hi! I'm not in the same boat with DH working long hours, but I do have two kids at home (3 and 2) and we're stuck here most of the time. I use our Wii and dvds from Netflix to exercise. I can't wait for summer when we can get out walking more! Anyway, here's another thread for SAHMs:
  • JennLarkham
    Hey Peanut!

    I too am home with my 1 year old. I was laid off a month ago and have had a hard time getting back into the medical field. Since I've been out I have struggled with wanting to eat whenever my daughter eats, and she eats constantly. She eats three meals and about 2-3 snacks in between. I don't want to eat her fruit cups or bananas, so I usually find other (not so healthy) adult snacks. Since I have started using my treadmill, I have actually gained 6 lbs and I've thought about giving up. I hope that we can support each other because I know how hard it is when your around all the food in your house everyday, and also to how difficult it can be to get a workout in with kids. Your doing great and losing 7 lbs is something to be so proud of! I'm her for encouragement if you need me!

    A Fellow Mom,
    Jennifer Larkham
  • HelenTheKitchen
    I am a semi-stay at home mom, I run a very small bakery out of my kitchen, which makes losing weight even more of a challenge. My husband is an EMT so he works anywhere from 46 to 72 hours a week, and my 2-year-old daughter keeps me busy but does not help with keeping some of the yummy bad foods out of my house. If you need any encouragement or just something to keep you busy send me a message anytime.
  • rachellepilcher
    Im also a SAHM. I have 3 kids...6,9, and almost 18. My husband works 4 10 hour overnights and 3-4 hrs 3-5 days week pt. I am able to walk kids to/from school bout half mile away. We just got the Kinect for Xbox and got the Your Shape Fitness Evolved. It is awesome. Lots of different exercises. Based on weight. Keeps track of calories burned. Personal trainer and fun games. And being it "sees' you, putting you in the game, it can help to correct form to get the most from the workouts. I also got a great workout from the Kinect adventures that comes with the Kinect. Feel free to add me.
  • MyViolet
    MyViolet Posts: 73 Member
    I was a stay at home mom for 7 years and went back to work just a couple of years ago. I so much want to stay at home again. Funny thing is, I gained wait when I went back to work! To much sitting.

    Congrats on being on MFP! You can do it! I find eating whole foods is a great way to lose weight, stay healthy and it helps to save money.

    Looking forward to seeing your posts!
  • Fat_2_Fit_Mommy
    Fat_2_Fit_Mommy Posts: 569 Member
    Hello I am a SAHM also to a 1 year old daugher and i used to eat when I am bored and I foudn my sel fto control it now and I am sooo happy about that!! My husband also works long hours he works 13 hours a 5 days a week and he also like to work on cars after he gets off and sometimes he works on the weekends just to make more money.. but any who It is very challenging for me to exercise at home w/o a HRM but I usually go walk around outside the apt and I'll find some exercise movies on hulu that I found I do the kathy smith pilates fat burn and denise austin fat burn workouts it seems to work... but I only notice a little difference but I only started that this week. But any ways I am sooo happy that there are other SAHMs on here besides me. The reason is hard for me to go toa gym because only have 1 car right now and my DH uses it but we are trying to get another one.
  • Summerleahd
    Summerleahd Posts: 314 Member
    Hello! I'm a sahm too. I have two daughters. 19 months and 4 months. My husband also works long hours. He leaves at five and doesn't get home till 6, sometimes 7. So I spend all day with my babies. Ive been lurking for awhile and would finally like to make some friends
  • JAG1224
    JAG1224 Posts: 191 Member
    Welcome and congratulations on your weight loss thus far! I'm also a SAHM to a beautiful 11 month old. My husband is currently deployed in Afghanistan but when he's home he usually works 12 hr shifts so I totally understand how you feel. I plan all my workouts around my son. I usually do it when he's napping but sometimes do it early in the morning or late at night, it really just depends. I do P90x, pilates, elliptical and run outdoors. I've heard many great things about Jillian Michael's workout dvds and they are very afforable.. also they have free workouts on as well. :smile: Best of luck!
  • crystalslight
    crystalslight Posts: 322 Member
    Hi, I'm also a stay at home mom. I've got 5 kiddo's ages 11,8,5,3, and 4 months. My husband is a pilot so he is gone ALL the time. In a month he's home maybe 8- 10 days.
    It's hard to find a baby sitter to watch the kids while I go to the gym or on a run. When the baby get's older I'll be able to leave her with my oldest. I sometimes do workout videos but enjoy running and the gym so much more.
    Being mom's we NEED to take time for ourselves. It makes us better mom's. We just need to make it a priority and we'll succeed. Feel free to add me as a friend. :)