Weird looks when ordering food???



  • JunkFoodJane
    JunkFoodJane Posts: 150 Member
    Lol@pouring some out. It can be hard for others to understand. My boyfriend will call because he's stopping somewhere- he is incapable of buying a small size no matter how I insist. Always he buys large!

    What I don't understand is no matter how good of a deal it is to upgrade- a quarter spent is a quarter spent. If I want a 12 oz frozen coffee do not get me a 24oz because the per oz price is smaller. It's not like buying a sack of dry beans. Either I feel bad about myself or I pour that quarter down the drain. Lose lose!!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    At grocery store with the following
    Cottage cheese x10
    milk x24L
    diced tomatoes x6,
    frozen veggies x4
    4 beans mix x12
    eggs x2 cartons,
    oats x2
    drinking choc x3,
    natural peanut butter x2
    tuna big cans x8
    tuna small cans (about 40 cause they were on special :P)

    Checkout chick just gives me the WTF look haha. Meh, it's my choice to be healthy.

    It is stupid that no one cares at all when someone turns up with the worst nutritional choices you could make though. Healthy people are discriminated against!

    Re the takeaway meal with diet coke: I still do it. A) I don't like sugary drinks B) I know that even that one sugar filled coke is going to equal an extra half hours walk just to get back to where I would be if I have a diet one. C)I am planning for the days ahead when I will most likely have diabetes (family history)
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    yeah happens to me if i but out. like subway for lunch if im on the road...
    "no cheese mate"
    "??? No cheese?"
    "no cheese."

    oh and can i get doube chicken please? lol. on a 6 inch...haha. then im on thier back about being shy with the salad...! :p
    i get all the above wierd looks. hahaha.
    Yeah chris, shopping trolley looks quite similar most weeks!with the addition of a few kg's of chicken...

    I also find it sad that i get strange looks when i dump a whole trolley load of items from the outer rim of the store on the counter and no crap...
  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    I love some of the looks we get when we eat out.

    Pizza - have a friend who is allergic to cheese, so no cheese pizza is a regular thing - and 50% of time they get it wrong.

    We took the girls to pizza hut for a treat last month and dh ordered large (the one he likes only comes as large - don't you have that!)
    and I ordered a medium (6 slices) with half the cheese on it. and I had salad.
    I always order diet coke/pepsi (the full fat stuff is way to sweet, it makes my teeth ache!) I also order it without ice, which I have found almost impossible to get when in florida.
    I ate two slices of mine, DH ate 2-3 slices of his and then we asked for boxes to take the rest home, and the guy was, why did you order the bigger size?
    DH explained we can't get this one in less than a large, and all the left over pizza we feed all of us including the kids for dinner tomorrrow evening!

    My biggest bug bear is the options on the kids meals - my two had spag bol which was ok, but they always do these fruit shoot drinks for the kids every where you go and they are aweful. so much sugar.
    i will try and get them a small juice or I'll split a juice between them and water it down too.
    I always have water with every meal regardless of what else I might be drinking, and they are starting to want to drink that too, so all good in the end.

    As I have said in a different post, if I go into Mcdonalds I always have a grill order as I don't like ketchup, mustard or pickles.
    it usually means the food you get is at least hot, and I order my fries no salt too! you might have to wait a little but again they will be hot and fresh!
  • feelgoodoutside
    I bought about 30 tins of tuna when they were on offer, pretty damn embarrasing but well worth it!
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I don't usually get any looks (atleast not that I have noticed) about what I ordered but I do sometimes get nasty ones for it from employees. Especially if I decide to go for the fries and I tell them no salt lol.
  • Purplegal
    Purplegal Posts: 137 Member
    I dont usually get weird looks, but the best was when at a Mexican food restaurant and I had ordered a chicken soft taco and all veggies instead of rice and beans...the waiter putting it on the table told me "my mother would approve of this meal, its very colorful!" :)