


  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I make green smoothies all the time and often have them for breakfast. My most often used green is spinach though I have used kale, parsley, broccoli and romaine lettuce. I add a couple of kinds of fruit, ice if the fruit is fresh, no ice if it's frozen fruit and one scoop of whey protein powder. I like the MRM stuff because it's pretty clean. They sweeten with stevia so there are no artificial sweeteners (I avoid those). The Dutch Chocolate is okay but I really like the Rich Vanilla flavor.

    This morning my smoothie was about 3 ounces spinach, 1 orange, a stalk of celery and some frozen strawberries with a scoop of vanilla protein powder. It tasted like an orange creamsicle!

    Spinach, strawberries, blueberries and cocoa powder or chocolate protein powder are also good. If you use cocoa powder (or just need to sweeten) try using pitted dates instead of sugar. They add a bit of fiber, plenty of sweetness and no artificial junk.

    Strawberry banana, blueberry-pear, mixed melons, cucumber and mint, there are tons of combinations and adding greens to it won't alter the flavor but will bump up the nutrition and fiber. I love smoothies!
  • lalilalu
    lalilalu Posts: 102 Member
    My 2 current favouriets are - 1 Mango, Cinnamon, Yoghurt and milk
    1 Kiwi fruit, Handull of frozen berries, yogurt and milk

    To mix it up a bit I've been making them a bit thicker than usual and poring it into a bowl and topping it with some cereal, wheatgerm and LSA. It's delicious, and normally the smoothy makes enough for breakkie and for an extra little snack later....