1250 Calories a day?? Really??



  • Colleen1980
    Colleen1980 Posts: 148 Member
    As everyone else has said, exercise earns you more calories to eat...that's my favorite trick!!!

    Also, what did you set your goal at? If it is at 2lbs a week, you could start on 1lb a week until you get used to eating less and work your way down...

    I agree with lowering your weekly loss goal. When I started I saw the amount I could eat to lose 2 pounds per week and thought, I can't do it!! So I switched my goal to 1.5 pounds per week. To me it was woth it to lose a tiny bit slower if it meant I wasn't going to get frustrated and quit.

    Also, as many have said, once you get into a routine you will start to plan better and eat healther and it will get easier.

    If you want to get started but are afraid of the low calories, I'd lower my loss goal for awhile.

    Good luck!!! :-)
  • slimlisa23
    I was referring to 1000 calorie deficit from what you were normally consuming prior to using the site. If you were previously consuming 2250 calories a day or so, then that sounds about right. Theres a lot of factors. But for goodness sakes, don't cut it below 1200, you need those!
  • kajun_at_work
    kajun_at_work Posts: 60 Member
    The key for me was to see exactly what I was eating and the portion sizes. I bought a food scale and weigh just about anything but lettuce. My wife thinks that I'm crazy but can't dispute the results.

    Logging calories does get easier and habit forming. Its probably better if you do make it a habit.

    Once you realize how much real food you can eat later if you don't mindlessly eat those two pop tarts now, it will get even easier to make a good choice. Thats how it worked for me anyway.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Add in activities you do during the day, for example, I went shopping for about an hour so I put in "walking slow paced" for 60mins
  • isabelk
    isabelk Posts: 153 Member
    The first two weeks sucks as you try to learn how to eat satisfying, filling food and stay under your limit.

    The next two weeks suck as you try to meet your limit by eating something before bedtime so you're not under.

    Right now? I hit a plateau and rather than add in exercise, I started maintaining till I can psych myself into it. I wish I'd added exercise in at the beginning, but I wouldn't have learned as much about food if I didn't have to get the 'right food' 100% right.

    My advice is, spend a week or two eating right, you'll feel hungry but that will fade. Also, it's okay to feel hungry before your meals, that's a good body signal to be on good terms with. Then add in exercise. It'll help when you hit the inevitable plateau, because you'll have more non-scale victories (NSVs).

    Good luck!
  • significance
    significance Posts: 436 Member
    I'm 5'2" and on 1200 cal. I tend to use about 200 cal for breakfast (porridge made with water with fruit stirred in usually, or perhaps two boiled eggs with a slice of toast), about 300 cal for lunch (often a cheese and tomato sandwich, no butter), 500 cal for dinner (I like a big, hearty dinner and just eat what I'd normally eat at dinner time) and the remaining 200 cal, plus whatever I earn from exercise (usually about 600 cal) in snacks (mostly fruit, some indulgences). Then I try to make up for my lack of calcium by taking calcium tablets.
  • slapshotgolf
    slapshotgolf Posts: 163 Member
    Exercise to earn back calories. Then exercise some more. :)
  • dnsrmr
    dnsrmr Posts: 99 Member
    I'm a Low Carb eater so I count carbs more than I count calories. When I do change my eating style I try to stay within 1200 cals or less regardless if I work out or not, as I tend to gain weight quickly.
    When I stay around 1200 cals or 20-25 carbs the weight comes off in the way my clothes feel most of all.
    Everyone's metabolism is different. Mine hardly moves so what works for me is the low carb foods or staying around 1200 even if I exercise and gain back calories on this site to eat more.
    I've learned not to eat if I'm granted more calories from working out.
    Because of what I eat, I stay pretty full.
    Good luck with your goal. Maybe check out some of MFP's food diaries and get an idea of what others eat.
    God bless you with good health~
  • d_smith85
    d_smith85 Posts: 94
    L, my food diary is open.. I eat between 1200 and 1600 cals a day, depending on how much I work out. Yesterday I burnt something like 700 cals so I ate more. You can see what I eat, get ideas... KaCHOW! I love you gal!
  • wannabeskinnysam
    wannabeskinnysam Posts: 1 Member
    well im 5,9ft and I am on a 1250 calories a day but I have to admit I go over because I use to be on 2000 but I changed it so I could be lower and since its holidays I go well over but I will be back on track.
    if you feel this is to low change it in your setting :)
  • Love_Is_My_Fuel
    Love_Is_My_Fuel Posts: 211 Member
    Have you ever figured out your TDEE number....I used to work my MFP the way it's recommended and was eating around 1200 calories and then I figured out my TDEE number and I'm gradually bringing down the percentage I'm working at. Right now I'm 30% but it's recommended 15-20%. Very interesting information if you check it out...just search on google to figure out your number. I'm eating more now and losing 1-2 lbs. a week with my exercise as well. Your body needs food to lose weight...good food...not processed empty calorie foods. Would love to check out your diary and give you pointers....But seriously check out what TDEE is all about...You'll feel better,,more energized and get more nutrition your body is craving and not getting with only 1200 calories.