
Dose any one have and helpful hints to losing weight ? not sure on how to really do this .. like what to eat or what exercises i should do ..


  • squeaktones
    squeaktones Posts: 195 Member
    4 servings of fruit, 4 servings of veggies. some places say a serving is 1/2 cup some say a cup. 3 servings of protein (a serving is about what would fit in the palm of your hand) or 4 ounces. you can choose from either the animal, vegetable or low fat dairy proteins. 2 servings ) a serving is a cup cooked or 8 ounces) of whole grains like brown rice. corn, grits, couscous, cream of wheat. oat bran, rolled oats. whole wheat pasta. or it could be bread like whole wheat, multi grain, flatbread. whole wheat tortillas. sandwich thins. white bread is not as good a choise because it doesn't have as much fiber in it. it breaks down into sugar much quicker and doesn't keep you feeling full for as long. if you can try to allot 200 calories to things like olive oil, flaxseed oil, reduced fat and fat free salad dressing, low calorie barbeque sauce, ketchup (they do have some that is love calorie but is a little pricey), mustard, salsa, avacados (1/8 is a serving size) nuts, seeds, olives. or unsweetened pickeles. those things are going to help your other stuff not seem as bland. try to watch the sodium content in whatever you get because sodium is going to make you retain water. this site says to drink 8 glasses of water a day, diet sodas seem to make me hungrier and i have read others saying the same thing. if i do have soda i generally have diet rite. it is sodium. caffine, and sugar free but still tastes ok.
    mostly just read your lables on things. most food will tell you the calorie content as well as the portion size to follow.
    as far as exercise. do what ever you are comfortable doing. walking is good. walk a half an hour a day at whatever speed you are comfortable with. don't push yourself. you don;'t want to injure yourself. if you aren't used to walking, start slow at maybe 15 minutes a day for a week and add 5 minutes to that the next week and so on until you are at your half hour. . all it takes to do it is a pair of shoes and a the willingness to do it. you don't need any fancy equipment. exercise dvd's, zumba, wii fit, or gym classes or treadmills, exercise bikes or elipitical machines help too. if you can afford a gym most have trainers you can talk to who can recommend a routine that is best suited for you and your mobility.