What do you do with your old clothes?



  • Secret_Agent_007
    Lots of great ideas from thoughtful people on here.

    My thought was to get rid of the bigger clothes to eliminate the option of going back to them. It's tough enough to lose the weight. It's double tough to keep it off. Don't throw bread crumbs on the trail.
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    I've donated most of mine to thrift stores and then went back inside and did some shopping for myself! Now that I've hit my target weight I've started focusing on rebuilding my wardrobe.
    I'm like you, I've worn XL shirts since high school, and now they look like they are going to swallow me. On the downside, that means getting rid of some really cool t-shirts! Oh well!
  • TamDTam
    TamDTam Posts: 115
    I LOATHE consignment shops.... they offer your crap for your clothes & then re-sale at 300% or more profit.... ebay is a good option if you have the patience....
    I have a lot of "high fashion" , many with tags still on them. I have a friend or 2 who make jokes about cant wait for me to lose more weight so they can raid my closet.

    I have seen clothes given to churches and welfare to work programs being worn by folks running the programs instead of those in real need so lately Ive just been giving them directly to people directly.

    if you DO give to charity, get a receipt so you can claim the value on your taxes
  • Shellz206
    Shellz206 Posts: 97 Member
    I alter mine.

    Anything that can't be altered gets donated. I'd rather be skinny and have 5 things that fit me than fat with a big, beautiful wardrobe. ;)

    Love this! :)