Anyone feel like me

:yawn: I don't have alot of energy after I get off of work, all I want to do is nap, I think I need a day to myself, just get pamperd, let some one do something for me. Someone who can do the same thing I do, cook, clean, go to work take care of a kid, it seem like when I get home get everything done, I lay down then before you know it, it starts all over again, I will love to just have some me time:sad: i'M TIRED! I'm at work right now, my day begins at 4:10am and it dont end until 10 or 11 at night


  • HappyathomeMN
    HappyathomeMN Posts: 498 Member
    You are not alone there!! You need a sanity day, mental health day, or just a plain old break! Take one or even half a day, don't tell anyone that does not need to know and schedule something fun for yourself.

    If Mom isn't happy, then no one is happy! Take care of yourself!!!!
  • marloandrob2
    Just make the time. Maybe let a few things go. I have trouble with putting everything in front of myself too but I do dedicate 1 hour a day to exercise....And somedays all I can think about during that hour is what I need to get done. I try and remind myself that we can leave some things for tomorrow..that the world will not stop if everything is NOT perfect because nothing is..Relax and just take the time.
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    Yep, I know how you feel. I don't even have a child but I feel like I have so many competing demands for my time. I feel like by the time I make dinner and do the dishes it's bedtime! Every day last week there was something I had to do after work, whether a doctor's appointment or whatever.

    One thing I do for myself is I follow my Dad's advice. He will sometimes go to bed in the early evening, and I would say, "You're going to bed already?" and he would say, "When I'm tired, I sleep!" So last week , I was tired at 5:30 pm, so I aly down for a nap, and I slept all the way uintil 5:00 am! I guess I was tired LOL
  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    a man = one more kid to take care of (yes there are a few exceptions)....

    create your life the way you want...give yourself creative freedom to be the person you know is in you to be...and don't sit around waiting for someone to come along and rescue ain't gonna happen...only you can control your destiny, give yourself a care date, pamper yourself and surround yourself with lots of support!!!