Homemade Superpump250

Hey guys!

I am new to this site, and this is actually my first "Message Board" post. Over the past few months I have been doing some research on some supplements that might be a little more natural and less hard on the liver than Gaspari's Superpump250. I actually came across a supplement stack that I researched on Bodyspace.com. I just started using it over the weekend, and so far, so good. I have taken Superpump250 before, and this has been giving me very close to the same result and feeling before I workout.

Here is the stack: L-citrulline, Arginine, and Glutamine. I also take some caffeine pills prior to working out to give me that little extra jolt of energy you get from the Superpump250. If you are interested in how it's going or exactly what I do and how I use it, just let me know.



  • GrowOrDie
    GrowOrDie Posts: 42
    Sounds like a killer stack! The only thing I dont see that Superpump has is creatine and your stack doesnt. Which I like because I love the effects of superpump but always feel puffy when taking it due to the creatine.
    Keep us posted on your thoughts on the stack!
  • michaelduke31
    michaelduke31 Posts: 15 Member
    Sorry Krystal!!! haha. I know you asked me about the creatine a few days ago and I completely forgot to answer you. I suck! lol.

    I am not trying to bulk up right now and I really don't want my muscles retaining all of that water with the creatine. Much like you, I don't want that bloated feeling I get with the creatine.