I have arrived!!!!! ---- (Almost)

Well, this is it for me! I have dieted and started over my whole adult life. I feel like I understand now that dieting without exercise is pointless, and that I need to adopt an attitude of loving healthy foods and exercise. Actually, all of the natural foods God gave us are so much more delicious, aren't they? I don' t know how I convinced myself that sugary foods are a "must have".

I have lost 30 pounds prior to signing up yesterday, using the Scarsdale Medical Diet. I loved this one when I was much younger, because I shed pounds quickly. I know that I can't do this forever because it's not enough food, and I will ultimately fail when I stop. Now that I've lost the 30, I am going with this program (I used a similar one previously), to learn to eat properly and manage my weight. I have 20 more pounds to go to my goal.

I really believe this time I will keep it off. I am almost 52 and I have so much I want to do with my life. I look all around me and see older adults than myself on oxygen and not moving around well. That's not for me! I want to enjoy the last 40 - 50 completely. I have worked too hard and too long (career, motherhood) to not deserve some true golden years.

I'm glad to be here so I can give to and receive from you the strength that will be needed to accomplish my plan. It's fun to have partners in life to share hard work and successes with. Thanks in advance for your friendship and help.


  • goldspaula
    goldspaula Posts: 161
    Hi Kathy, I have lived your same struggle. I have been on this program since last August, and it really works. A little over 50 pounds gone, and I feel stronger than ever!