What does "cheating" mean to you?



  • army_cobra
    army_cobra Posts: 136 Member
    Your cheat day is just fine. Do not go all out like your friend does that is a no go. You should have a cheat day once a week it helps keep you from losing your mind.
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    I try not to label it 'cheat' days. I'm trying to create a lifestyle and some days that may mean chocolate and other days it may not. I think labeling it can give it a negative connotation. As long as you are honest with yourself then you aren't 'cheating'.

    I'm trying to create a habit I can live with for a lifetime. I hope your friend understands she's causing more detriment than not by overeating.

    How about calling it TREAT DAY! nothing negative about treats :laugh:

    Treat day sounds better :bigsmile:
  • fattymcgoo
    thank you for all of your replies; it's been quite interesting to see how people indulge differently :)
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I don't see the point in "cheat" days. The only person you are cheating is yourself, so why bother? Same with guilt about eating bad food. You are your only victim, so guilt is pointless. Just shrug and tell yourself not to do it again and get on with life!
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    I guess I have a "cheat" day but I've never called it that. On Sundays I have breakfast with my family at the local diner. Since it's a small family owned business they don't have things like egg beaters and light breakfasts, so I usually order something indulgent like pancakes or an omelet. But I still account for the calories, and I don't allow myself to take that day off from the gym.
    But like I said, I don't consider them cheat days per say. I try to accomdate my heavier days by adjusting another meal that day to be lighter, or I increase my activity.
    I also give myself treats throughout the week...my current fixation are skinny cows ice cream sandwiches....yummy!