To the Newbies Out There...

ccrawshaw Posts: 166 Member
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
I understand the reasoning behind maintaining a private diary and it is certainly every one's own choice (that is why the option is there). But I did just want to say that, everybody here at MFP is not judgmental at all (at least in my experience). We all have weak moments and bad days. We all experience the crushing urge to fall back into old habits, which makes an open diary a questionable option, BUT an open diary might make you think twice about some of these things, too.

I also would like to add that it tends to be very frustrating when people post on the forum, "HELP!! I haven't lost weight in two weeks! What's going on?" with a private diary. It is impossible for us to help you as fellow MFPers or as friends.

I don't say this because I'm nosy. Quite the opposite, I don't have a great deal of time to go through countless diaries, but it is usually much easier for some one else to see a self-sabotaging trend in your diary than for you, whether you know it's there or not.

We are all here for the same purpose, not to be judgmental about food choices.

Just food for thought when selecting your profile settings. :)

Happy weight loss!


  • rebawagner
    rebawagner Posts: 199 Member
    And let me add that if someone does judge you or give less then encouraging words (just be careful to not take helpful hints as critism) They are not worth keeping as a "Friend"... there are to many people here who want to help and understand your struggle. If anyone is ever rude or mean I would not keep them as a friend :)
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    There is always the option to simply open your diary for a couple days when you are posting a question requesting input on your weight loss efforts and then make it private again :happy:
  • Chanellie
    Chanellie Posts: 23
    I totally agree! I keep mine open for motivation and tips. We are a community and we are all here for the same purpose. (to lose weight and to get in shape).
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    If someone is asking a question where it would be helpfull for the diary to be open then yeah I see the point.But there are alot more judgemental people on here than you realize.when my diary was open I got tons of messages, advice I didnt want or ask for,and flat out rude comments.So its closed now.
    We all may be here to lose weight and get into shape,but not all of us want and need to be held accountable by anyone other than ourselves
  • ccrawshaw
    ccrawshaw Posts: 166 Member
    It is true that if you can't be honest with yourself, having an open diary is not likely to help, but it sounds to me like you need friends, not "friends". I feel as though my friends on MFP are truer than those that I have in the real world (no politics and other crap to get in the way).
  • SpoiledByBoys
    SpoiledByBoys Posts: 3 Member
    I was a little leary about my diary being open, but now that it is open to my friends I actually get lots of support and "BTDT" type responses! Thank you!!!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    It is true that if you can't be honest with yourself, having an open diary is not likely to help, but it sounds to me like you need friends, not "friends". I feel as though my friends on MFP are truer than those that I have in the real world (no politics and other crap to get in the way).

    I am 100% honest with my self and my diary,my diary is open to friends it was the people not on my friends list that constantly had to message me about what they thought i should be doing diffrent,or what I should be eating when no help was asked for or needed.My mfp friends rock.
    But there are many others on this site that feel like since they have lost a lil weight they are suddenly experts on everything and push their opinions on everyone
  • jalyn413
    jalyn413 Posts: 15 Member
    I am new to this site, and I am so happy there are so many great honest people on here! Thanks for all of the encouragement!
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