Here I go...

My boyfriend actually found the myfitnespal app. on his phone and we both decided to download it on our phones and try it out. When I realized there was a website too I thought it would be fun to check it out and was really happy when I saw that there is a whole community on here! I've shared the website with my friend who is joining me on this weight loss journey and she's already addicted! We are going to Vegas in August and I'm hoping to loose 40-50 lbs before we go. I'm trying really hard to do this without "dieting" I just want to start eating better and watching my portion sizes. I've been over weight most of my life and I know that if I "diet" and try to cut everything out that I really like, it wont work (at least for me) and I wont be able to keep the weight I loose off. So... here I am, trying yet agan to get control of my life and this time I have faith in myself! I know that I can do this because I think that this time I want it way more than any other time!!


  • fussy72
    fussy72 Posts: 3 Member
    My hubby and I are also Vegas bound for our 6th wedding anniversary in July. If you put my mind to it, nothing can stop you. This is the first step, hang in there. Just make better choices. Depending on your progress, try to cut another 150 calories off whatever you're allowed by MyFitPal. And work out. Keep at it and you will see results you can live with!
  • superstah00
    superstah00 Posts: 104 Member
    Way to go! I LOVE this website, it is so motivating and people are so encouraging! I have also done away with "dieting" and am choosing better foods and smaller portion sizes. So I may still have cookies but I only will have 2 instead of a whole sleeve:bigsmile: Good luck and don't give up!!! :)
  • kellyb02
    kellyb02 Posts: 6
    Your comment about the cookies made me smile! I'm always saying that if I want a brownie I"m going to have a brownie... just not the whole dang pan! :smile: