Question for the ladies!

So, it's that time for me (oh joy) and although I don't suffer hugely with things like cramps, etc.... I DO suffer with bloating and water retention.

I drink 2.5+ liters of water per day, I don't eat overly salty foods (I actually do not like the taste of salt to be honest) and I try to get at least a 30 minute walk if not every day, then every other day.

I have gone from 280lbs to 288lbs in about 3 days.

I'm guessing it's water because of T.O.M however it's making me bloated and a little uncomfortable.

What do you girlies do at this time to alleviate the bloating and water gain - it's driving me up a wall!!!

PS - any tips on how to not eat like a half-starved person would be great too....Seriously about half-way through T.O.M I start feeling like I could eat a large household pet/small child/zebra.....


  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    I get the crazy cravings and wanna eat everything in site about a week before TOM comes! It sucks and theres not much I found that works other than a good workout! Keep drinking the water!
  • emourato
    emourato Posts: 29 Member
    LOL I have the same problemsss!! I get SUPER bloated and have all these cravings...I just try to not eat to much salt and get a good workout in. Its hard to control..
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    I just don't weigh when its TOM! It caught me out today and arrived early, I'm really gald that I know the reason for the 2.6 lb gain I saw this morning! It also explaines the uncontrolled biscuit eatingthat went on last night..... Sorry I don't really have any advice for you, but I'm in the same boat.
  • chrissyb1985
    chrissyb1985 Posts: 110 Member
    I take ginger supplements esp during TOM and it helps with bloating and cramps (if u get them)! I highly recommend it!
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    I would just try your best that week, drink lots on water and not weigh yourself. Just skip that week weigh in.x
  • loganaw
    loganaw Posts: 62 Member
    i don't eat any salt, drink lots of water, and basically avoid all foods. being bloated always makes me feel full anyway and eating just makes me feel even more full and then it's just plain uncomfortable. lay in bed with a heating pad and maybe itll go down?
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I eat what I want and I usually gain about 3-6lbs on my TOM. I try and find snacks that I know will satisfy my salty/chocolate/whatever craving.

    Sour Cream and Onion Special K crackers and Oreo Thin Crisps in milk help.. a lot.
  • TuscanySun
    TuscanySun Posts: 3,608 Member
    Try eating/drinking high potassium foods. It flushes the sodium and helps you eliminate water gain.

    Lemon in hot water
    Cranberry juice

    these are just a few
  • BlindFaith
    I take ginger supplements esp during TOM and it helps with bloating and cramps (if u get them)! I highly recommend it!

    I had totally forgotten about ginger - I used to eat a piece of crystallized ginger when I suffered with IBS cramps!!

    Cranberry juice I'd forgotten about as well; I didn't realize it helped with bloating.

    Thanks for the replies, you guys pretty much rock!!!

    I'm open to any other ideas as well - keep em coming :happy:
  • MaureenCreates
    MaureenCreates Posts: 97 Member
    Yeah, I'm about to start my first TOM since joining this site and the cravings are driving me mad. I want grilled cheese, Pho, Turkish Delight, dried pineapple, etc etc.
    I changed my weight loss goal to a 1/2 pound a week as opposed to 1 full pound a week during this time... give myself some more room to keep me from going so crazy.
    I'm staying off the scale until TOM passes.
  • cbwhite85
    First, don't weigh yourself during that time. You know the extra lbs aren't "real" already. No need to add worry which will only increase the weight. Second, with you food intake, start with baby steps. A yo-yo type diet just doesn't work. You've already taken a huge step with signing up with MFP. Now, notice what you are eating. I couldn't believe how much I was snacking on each day. I just started a new menu with my bootcamp trainer. I "have" to eat about 6 times a day. But the cool part is, I'm not hungry. And even when I get a little hungry, I know my next mini meal is not far away. I was so full last night I couldn't even make myself eat the optional protein shake. And here's the total calorie intake yesterday...803. Now, I'm not a little girl. I'm 5'8 and weight 187.5lbs. I love food. I live for food. I do not, repeat, do NOT miss meals. But I was full on 803 calories!

    This was yesterday:
    Daily: 1 Gallon of water minimum (You'll be better at this water thing than me.)


    Morning: 4-egg whites (1 yellow)
    ½ cup oatmeal
    Mid-Morning: ½ can tuna
    1 medium apple
    Lunch: 7 oz. Chicken breast
    ½ sweet potato
    1-2 cups broccoli or cauliflower
    Mid-Afternoon: ½ can tuna
    1 medium apple
    Dinner: 7 oz. Salmon or tuna (grilled, baked, or broiled)
    ½ sweet potato
    Tossed salad with Kraft fat-free Italian dressing
    Evening: Protein drink (optional)

    For your protein shakes or meal replacements, be careful of the brand. Many are being sued for the amount of lead in their product. I like advocare, but it's just a preference. And as you can see, the shake is optional.
    Watch out for fruit as it is loaded with carbs. I'm not supposed to have more than 30g carbs per meal and shouldn't be over 100g carb per day.

    I hope this helps. I'm a beginner like you. Good luck and keep us posted!
  • BlindFaith
    Wow, cbwhite85, awesome post, thank you!

    I'm actually doing my grocery shopping this Saturday (having to wait for money to be in my account SUCKS cause I wanna start NOW!!) and I'm pretty much re-designing my menus for each week.

    I do enjoy fruit, but I know that the natural sugars in fruit can send your insulin levels scatty so I'm trying to limit it and only eating fruit in the mornings.
    Snack wise, I'm having carrot and celery sticks with either hummus or low fat Laughing Cow and I'm going to make my own "nut mix" with almonds, hazelnuts, seeds and raisins and I home bake a LOT of my own low GI, high fiber snacks as well.

    Breakfasts, I'm trying to combine a higher protein with a small amount of carbs to get me going in the mornings.
    For example, this morning I had an omelette with about 15g of low fat cheese and 25g of All Bran cereal.

    I'm hoping that this kind of eating will help with the T.O.M bloating; but it seriously drives me up the wall - I feel like someone inflated me overnight and I'm not actually due until Thursday!!!

    ETA: I am staying well clear of the scales this week; I actually only weighed myself because I felt so heavy :laugh:
  • fattybumchum22
    fattybumchum22 Posts: 39 Member

    i started a post about this on Saturday or maybe Sunday! but yeah i hat TOM!!!!!! some thing some said to me is dont weigh yourself during the time! i will be doing this next month because it really discourages me plus drink green tea!!!!

  • BlindFaith
    I'm with you fattybumchum (I'm sorry, I giggled at your name!! I like it!) on hating T.O.M!!!

    Has anyone tried Evening Primrose capsules to help with the PMS - I've seen mixed reviews online about it; some people saying it really helped them with relieving cramps, bloating, etc...and some people saying it did nothing :laugh:
  • cbwhite85
    I'm cautious with any pills that are not prescribed by my doctor. Did you know the FDA doesn't regulate vitamins??? I mean, we put them into our body thinking they are safe, but they in fact could be harmful. I am a firm believer in BC pills, especially ones like Seasonique or Seasonale. They keep TOM down to once every 3 months. It's amazing!! And when the TOM does come, it's not bad at all. Of course, this is something you need to discuss with your doctor. Everyone is different, but so far there is no scientific proof that you need a TOM every single month.

    I almost forgot some other tid bits I've learned....stay away from the 100 calorie snacks as they are packed with sugar/carbs. Also, if you must eat cereal (I hate cereal), make sure you measure the amount. And use low fat milk as well.

    And lastly, I didn't learn this from anyone but I firmly believe that, sometimes it's OK to have that little piece of chocolate. Let it melt in your mouth and savor every last bit of it. I like Dove dark chocolate squares. It's the right amount of sweet and it keeps me happy. :wink:
  • cbwhite85
    i don't eat any salt, drink lots of water, and basically avoid all foods. being bloated always makes me feel full anyway and eating just makes me feel even more full and then it's just plain uncomfortable. lay in bed with a heating pad and maybe itll go down?

    Avoiding food is not the answer. It's not safe and very unhealthy. It's also nothing to joke around about. I have a family member who suffers from eating disorders. She's landed herself in the hospital several times and has been in and out of rehab numerous times. The doctors have told her that it's now up to her if she'll live or die. If you feel yourself avoiding foods on a regular basis, consult your doctor. This is a very serious matter and should never be taken lightly. Unless you're about 4'8 or are a child, I don't see how it's healthy to be under 100 lbs. And if it's beauty you seek, remember, real men like a little shape. It's a caveman philosopy. Curves are more attractive than stick figures. Bottom line, please, I beg you, for your own health's sake, talk to someone if you look in the mirror as a 90lb woman and still see an over weight body. There are people to help. Don't wait until it's too late and you just become another statistic.
  • BlindFaith
    Oh trust me, I take enough prescribed medication as it is - I was just curious as to whether anyone had a positive review of Evening Primrose as I've been told it could help with my other medical conditions.

    That said, if I don't have to add another tablet to my ever growing list, I won't :laugh:

    I am on birth control, but I don't take the ones that you've described - I do want to talk to my Dr about changing mine because I've been on it for that long that it's actually making my periods non existent anyway; so as long as there's no concern over a new one causing any more weight gain then I may well ask for a different one.

    I like cereal, but I literally only eat the high fiber ones - all bran, oats, etc...and I use soya milk for when I have cereal and don't add any sugars to them either.

    I'm SO with you on the chocolate thing - especially at this time of the month!!! :laugh: but I love the high cocoa chocolate so I can stave off cravings with a small piece of that!

    ETA - no need to worry about me avoiding food, I like it waaaay too much!
    I have a close friend with an eating disorder and it's nothing to joke about at all, but I wanted to reassure you (and others) that I'm never going down that route.
  • chrissyb1985
    chrissyb1985 Posts: 110 Member
    I have endometreosis so TOM is awful for me. I was amazed at how helpful the ginger was and no side effects! I can't take bc because of other health issues. Ginger tea works too if u prefer!

    I take ginger supplements esp during TOM and it helps with bloating and cramps (if u get them)! I highly recommend it!

    I had totally forgotten about ginger - I used to eat a piece of crystallized ginger when I suffered with IBS cramps!!

    Cranberry juice I'd forgotten about as well; I didn't realize it helped with bloating.

    Thanks for the replies, you guys pretty much rock!!!

    I'm open to any other ideas as well - keep em coming :happy:
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 537 Member
    I take evening primrose oil capsules and a great multivitamin everyday. It seems to help with my.mood TOM swings.For water retension I've tried 1part pure unsweetened cranberry juice mixed to 8 parts water. Asparagus and cayenne pepper help water shed naturally.
    I've also noticed that since I've started eating whole, natural foods instead of packaged stuff like Lean Cuisine or 100 calorie packs or fast food, water retention doesn't seem to be a _problem anymore.
    My Tom rewrd to myself is one square of Girardelli's 70% cacao dark chocolate.
  • peimomof2
    peimomof2 Posts: 79 Member
    I get the crazy cravings and wanna eat everything in site about a week before TOM comes! It sucks and theres not much I found that works other than a good workout! Keep drinking the water!

    I'm just exactly like you. My TOM generally starts on a Saturday, and on the Monday previous, it's just like someone turned on a switch. I could eat everything in site! Ugh!!

    Working out and drinking lots of water seem to be the answer for me. )