Starting 30DS on April 1st! Need a buddy/buddies!

Please help. I started 30DS in Jan then came down with sinusitis and bronchitis and now I'm struggling to get back on track. Need someone to keep me accountable.


  • mnoellej
    mnoellej Posts: 3
    30 day shred?
    I am re-starting it to, but I think I am going to start this week. But we can still help to motivate! :)
  • Peyton115
    Peyton115 Posts: 75
    I'm so with ya! I started the 30 Day Shred back in January then ruptured my spleen. So much fun. I just recently got the clear from my doctor to start doing vigorous activity again and re-started the Shred a few days ago. I would love to be buddies and keep each other on track if you'd like!
  • esskaym
    esskaym Posts: 10 Member
    Great! Maybe we can check in here every day.
  • amoilavictoire
    Hey! I am starting tomorrow , but we could hold each other acountable as I need motivation myself.
  • Peyton115
    Peyton115 Posts: 75
    How's everybody doing on the shred? I decided to try out Level 2 a few days ago and it has been totally kicking my butt!