Mini Goal Ap!

For all of you out there who are like me & have set some mini goals for yourself, there is a great ap out there that I have recently discovered.
I love my MFP ticker, but it sure does seem like a long way when it says 47 lbs to go! And it's nice to see that so you can know where you are when trying to reach your ultimate goal. So, like most of us, I set up my mini goals. It's a range of where I want to be at the end of each month. As long as I am within that range, I am happy. It's a goal I have set based on losing 1.5-2 lbs per week.
The ap is called TargetWeight. You put in your goal and the date you want to reach it and it keeps track of how much you need to lose and how many days you have to go before you hit that goal. When you achieve it, it gives you kudos and then you are allowed to reset it and start fresh for your next goal. I have hit my first month goal (last month) and I honestly forgot what it did, but I remember getting my congratulations! Then I reset it and now I have 4 lbs to lose in 8 days. Impossible.. maybe. But, that's where I want to be if I lost 2 lbs per week. Even if I don't lose it all, I know I have already achieved my goal for the month, and I am happy with that.
Anyway, I know it's available for iphone, but not sure about droid or blackberry. Check it out! Good luck to all with your goals! You CAN do it!


  • Syreeta6
    Syreeta6 Posts: 377 Member
    Thank you! Downloading now "there's an app for that" :)
  • MelleyJ
    MelleyJ Posts: 198

    No problem! I just know it gets me motivated to keep going, especially as I get closer to my goal! I finally overcame my plateau, which and I am so close to my goal. Everytime I drop off after my plateau I lose fast, so who knows. I could still hit my goal in the next 8 days. Either way, I will be so close!!!!