Losing Pregnancy Weight

Hi all! I was refered to this website by a friend of mine...I just had a baby 34 days ago and desperately want to lose the weight I gained with him and my first son. I gained 60lbs with my first son and barely lost any of that and only gained 20 with my second son. I am looking to lose 40lbs but having a hard time....I can't exercise yet (have to get cleared by the doctor from having a c-section). When I am able to does anyone know of any good strength training exercises? I have never really worked out with weights before but would like to start....

Anyways - good luck all and let's lose this weight together!!!


  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    Hi there! I joined this site after I had my first son, gained 44lbs and only lost 30 before I got pregnant again. I'm due again in June, with a repeat csection then I will be back on the losing wagon. I'm not sure what to recommend for you. Last time, when I was able to I started walking, using my treadmill and eliptical, and I have free weights that I just do certain exercises that I had googled. I would love to support you on your journey, as I'm going through it too, and will be starting over again in a few months. I'm also interested to know what others suggest! I know one thing I will do differently this time around is counting calories. I just assumed breastfeeding would melt the fat off of me before...WRONG!
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hi and welcome to MFP and Congrats on the new addition to your family! I'm also kind of in the same boat as you...I just had my babies back in January and started excercising again. I would start off by doing some walking first and get your doctor's approval to make sure everything is good to go. I started jogging around 8-9 weeks after I had my c-section. Its really helped so far since I gained 60-70 pounds throughout my pregnancy. Good Luck on your journey!
  • taniahboo
    taniahboo Posts: 22
    Im going through the same! I had my baby girl 5 months ago! :) I also had a c-section! Its has hard to exercise! But now Im trying to loose the remaining 5 pouns of my baby weight! But on another note, I have to looose my own baby weight lol!
    I need to loose over 90 pounds! I has already obese and pregnant. Yea not a good combo. You guys can add me as a friend so we can support each other in this journey! I lost 43 pounds so far. But since that was baby weight Im acting like I never had that weight like that I can encourage myself to start from the "beginning". Good Luck to you ladies! :)
  • taniahboo
    taniahboo Posts: 22
    Sorry mispelling I was already obese and now pregnant!
  • bellafab245
    @ivnspoonful Con grats no the new born. I also had a c-section about a yr ago thats like the hardest weight to lose. I m not sure if you are into the video thing but, I started off with 'SLIM IN 6' videos she is really good an so easy to follow for a beginner. And also dont do any crash diet or pills that would just get you at a higher weight which you dont want. Start off by watching what you eat, portion out your food where you will not be eating to much at a time, make sure you have your healthy snacks (very important in that way you will not eat junk food). and start of with at least 15min work out at home.

    remember try to do it slow the faster you take it off the faster it come back on and some.
  • toocutegirls
    Check out the website www.tightbodwithapod.com Its is geared towards moms before, during and after pregnancy. It has tons and tons of excercises that are safe during and after pregnancy. Its shows you how to do them and almost all have a video demonstration too! My youngest is almost 4 but I still check it out for workout ideas and recommend it to all my clients (I'm a birth doula). Good luck and congratulation on your new little one!
  • libbylou1105
    Also check out www.NewMommyMakeover.com. My trainer designed these great DVDs to help new moms get their bodies back.
  • Sadie98072
    Sadie98072 Posts: 212 Member
    I can't remember how long it is before all the joints and ligaments and things tighten back up after the pregnancy hormones are gone?? Does anyone else know?
    Everything softens to allow room for the baby to grow inside, then allow the baby to exit your body. If you start a heavy training regime straight away you will be more prone to injury. (Im not a medical person, so please feel free to correct if I have got it wrong :) )
    Its a great idea to start with low impact exercise like walking rather than jumping straight into a weights based/high impact routine. If you were anything like me, my muscles were like saggy bags of porridge after I had my babies from disuse (twins, couldnt really move well from about 30 weeks). It took quite a few months just to get a bit of tone back, then I started running at about 4-6mths? And kickboxing from 6mths, but geeeeeeeze it was hard work getting my fitness back up to where it was before I got pregnant.
    Weight loss is 70% diet anyway, why dont you focus on what you are putting in your mouth and taking your beautiful new bub for a daily walk then work up to the other stuff in a few more months?
    Good luck xx