
So... yesterday didn't end well. Wayyyy over my calorie goal. Today I have a plan. Today will be better.

I couldn't resist the 100-calorie bag of chocolate-covered pretzels. Not part of the plan. Now I will have to work 100 calories harder at the gym this evening to come out ahead. What I need is the motivation to GET to the gym this evening, even when I'm still waiting to see results.

I've set attainable goals, I've lined up healthy rewards, I know that I feel better when I stick to "the plan." I know it's mind over matter, I just have so much trouble getting my mind over this matter.

In the moment when you could turn in one direction to head home, or choose the other and go work out, what gets you there?


  • MelleyJ
    MelleyJ Posts: 198
    I started a quote book. I found a bunch of my favorite, motivating quotes and put them all in a book. When I am having an off day, I find one that applies to how I feel that day and I use it to keep me going. It has truly changed my perspective and has kept me going, especially when I hit that dreaded wall or plateau, or when I am tired and want to say that tomorrow I will exercise harder if I can go home and take a nap. Message me if you want some of my quotes... I saved them in my blog!
  • Dkittery
    Dkittery Posts: 82
    What gets me there... hum.... I think about how good I feel after I work out. I look forward to being able to eat those extra calories because I do work out. I know I can cheat once and a while because I know I can and will go to the gym to work it off.

    Seeing my body fat loose a pound.

    Thinking of me on a beach in a two piece swim suit, looking better than most moms that have two kids and been married for 15 years. That's what gets me there. :)

    What also gets me there is men that stop and stare when I walk by, that tells me I'm doing something right. I'm getting older now and never want the men to stop looking. Yes I know I'm married, it's nice to know I still can turn heads. :)

    I hope that helps you
  • lucieluss
    lucieluss Posts: 34
    for me, what gets me there, is visualisation,,, i actually need to close my eyes, and feel like im where i wanna be weight wise, feel the looks, ear the comments, feel it in my skin, then open my eyes, back to reality, i grab a "love handle" anyone, and i think that if i dont go NOW , ill go home, and eat way more than that handle, and will have the handle im holding, and more,,,, so i guess thats what works for me, i need to feel like im there, get my cells exited, and then, go. But grabbing my handles sure helps,,lol
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    In the moment when you could turn in one direction to head home, or choose the other and go work out, what gets you there?

    The personal realization that my health, my fitness, my life all depends on the *choices* I make. Does that mean I always choose perfectly? No, but no one else is going to be able to do this for me. If I choose to skip my workouts or eat that junk, then I'm choosing to stay fat and stay unhealthy and increase my risks for an early death. I don't want those things - I want to live a healthy life. I am in control of my life, and I reached a point where I had to recognize that, process it, and then act on it.

    Every long journey is filled with thousands of single steps. Individual steps, no matter how small, have to be seen as important and essential, or you will never get there.