I must lead by example!

Hello everyone,

I am not new to myfitnesspal, but am now just starting to take my weightloss/wellness seriously! I am a Public Health Professional who goes out into my community everyday to encourage people to live their best lives and to make healtly lifestyle changes but HOW can I give that advice if I do not follow it myself!!!

Soooo.... I am renewing my commitment to myself and to health! Cheers to all of you, who are on the same bandwagon!


  • hot_yoga_lover
    I know exactly what you mean. I am in pretty good shape, and overall happy with my health and appearance, but I am in school earning a Master's degree in an accelerated Nursing program, and I am interested in community health. So I want to live what I preach! I want t truly be an example of a healthy lifestyle, and this site seems perfect to help me get there. :) Good luck!!!! :smile:
  • slapshotgolf
    slapshotgolf Posts: 163 Member
    Welcome, and great idea linking yourself to this site. You'll find this site full of people who have taken on the decision to transform their lives. The fact that it is a free to participate, in exchange for all the support you get, this site is a gem. Let those you serve know that they can find help here. SSG.