Hungry Day!!!

mello Posts: 817 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Ever have those just HUNGRY days?? I'm sooo hungry today!!!:angry:

I brought my lunch today but just couldn't talk myself into it. Ended up going and getting a small Wendy's Chili, no cheese w/2 packs of crackers.........but I REALLY WANTED THE NUGGETS:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

And to make matters worse, the attorney's office next door is having a kickoff party announcing his run for district judge and they are grilling out and serving the works...brats, hotdogs, hamburgers:sad: :sad:


  • mello
    mello Posts: 817 Member
    Ever have those just HUNGRY days?? I'm sooo hungry today!!!:angry:

    I brought my lunch today but just couldn't talk myself into it. Ended up going and getting a small Wendy's Chili, no cheese w/2 packs of crackers.........but I REALLY WANTED THE NUGGETS:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    And to make matters worse, the attorney's office next door is having a kickoff party announcing his run for district judge and they are grilling out and serving the works...brats, hotdogs, hamburgers:sad: :sad:
  • pack533
    pack533 Posts: 224
    Days like this really suck.:cry::angry:

    Hang in there and it will be worth it.:flowerforyou:

    Make sure that you eat healthy today and you will be proad of yourself tomorrow.:smile:

  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    Weird, yes, I have found myself a little hungry at night once I've eaten most of my calories.

    Funny thing, though, once I started having a big gym work out and a short gym workout on alternate days, I stopped being hungry at night even with 400 exercise calories left to eat.
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    Oh my!! I have days like that often!! Where I just want to EAT EAT EAT!!! Luckily there are no fast food restaurants in the area.. I would have to drive 45mins to get to one!! Not worth my gas!! I WISH we had wendy's here!! I LOVE IT!! The closest one is 3 hours away :grumble: But it's just one day right? Just get back up tomorrow and your on your way!! :bigsmile:
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Smelling that barbecuing must have really been tough! I bet I would have caved!
    It's easy enough to say stuff like "drink plenty of water to fill you up", but geez, water SURE doesn't compare to barbecue, does it?!!! :laugh:
  • mello
    mello Posts: 817 Member
    Smelling that barbecuing must have really been tough! I bet I would have caved!
    It's easy enough to say stuff like "drink plenty of water to fill you up", but geez, water SURE doesn't compare to barbecue, does it?!!! :laugh:

    BINGO!!! I'm sure that's what brought on my "hunger" Smelling that food cooking since 10:00 this morning.
  • LML79
    LML79 Posts: 697
    oh yeah I'm right there with you..I'm having a hungry WEEK nevermind day haha!
  • 2bmrsk
    2bmrsk Posts: 5
    I HATE those days! I feel you're pain, ha ha. Stay strong and drink A LOT of water! :):smile:
  • ShellyBee
    ShellyBee Posts: 117
    I think we all have day's like this and we are bound to have a few more I would imagine. I think it is very important not to beat ourselves up over small slip ups. We all deserve to indulge every once in a while. The true key to being sucessful is to just remember everything is okay in moderation. If you feel like you want a small (reduce the portion size) treat just put in some extra miles on the treadmill that night and it will all even out in the end. Good day's or bad being aware of choices and allowing yourself a treat every now and then is what is going to keep you motivated to see your way through to the finish line. Depriving yourself will get you absolutely no where....except the fridge or drive-thru of course. Congratulations on everyones sucesses!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Congratulate yourself on only ordering the chili! I would have bought them out of burgers and fries!!

    And I have a hungry WEEK. It's right before my cycle starts. I turn into a ravenous eating machine!
  • LML79
    LML79 Posts: 697
    Congratulate yourself on only ordering the chili! I would have bought them out of burgers and fries!!

    And I have a hungry WEEK. It's right before my cycle starts. I turn into a ravenous eating machine!

    Yes I agree with the congrats to you! I can't even go near a drive thru because there is no way I am going to oder a salad while everyone else is chowing down on burgers and fries! So you did great!
  • mello
    mello Posts: 817 Member
    Thank you all!!! That's what makes this place so wonderful....all the support.

    Oh and the chili had enough protien that it satisfied my hunger for now.

    :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: to you all!!!!!
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