Any Filipinos on here?

I'm looking for a nice chicken adobo recipe... Any filipinos on here with one?


  • kdao
    kdao Posts: 265
    Not Filipino, but I make adobo. Use equal parts soy sauce and vinegar. Add some chopped garlic, bay leaves and ground pepper, I simmer it all day. :smile:
  • Chiquita_Banana
    im filipino, i use soy sauce, 1/3rd amt of the soysauce white vinegar, 6 cloves crushed garlic, cracked pepper, about 1 tsp sugar about 3 cups water leave chicken to boil for about an hour and a half or until your likeing, i add water when i need to... when it's done i separate the sauce from the chicken.... then heat up a little olive oil... throw the chicken in when it's hot... when you get a nice brown on the chicken throw the sauce in to simmer about 5 minutes =) family recipe... enjoy! i make it almost every week for my daddy
  • karenpinkchick
    That's what went wrong I added no water, thanks!
  • Chiquita_Banana
    lol your welcome... common mistake i've heard of =) enjoy!