Suck it up and Push through the Pain.....OR.....Rest???


Last night, AFTER i got hm from 6-Mile Power Walk, i found out i have YET ANOTHER *Blood Blister*, its on my L-Foot; Heal/Shin area and it REALLY, REALLY Hurts!!!!!

So im now Debating on weather or not i should attempt my 6-Mile Power Walk 2nite.....OR.....should i stay hm, Pop it/Clean it, stay off of it 2nite and let my Foot Rest??? What do yu think i should do, should i just suck it up and Walk or Baby it???

ANY/ALL Advice is Appreciated, tyvvvm, & GOD Bless!!!!!

:explode: :sad:


  • kym38
    kym38 Posts: 48
    I have learned the hard way - rest! I know it may mess up your goal or training. As I train for a half marathon, I've learned that the most important thing is to listen to your body. It's telling you something for a reason. Hope you heal quickly!
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    I would do something else. If that gets too irritated it could become infected and then you might have to miss more days of workouts!:bigsmile:
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I don't think you're supposed to pop them.. leaves room for infection.
  • ChelseaRW
    ChelseaRW Posts: 366 Member
    ummm...OUCH!! If it will cover up without hurting when you walk...go on and move...if it hurts at all...take a much needed rest! Wow..6 mile power walk sounds pretty good!
  • liscar
    liscar Posts: 311 Member
    Listen to your body......soak and rest tonight. Tomorrow go get fitted for a pair of running shoes at a good running store AND if you already have a great pair of shoes, drop the money on a pair of GOOD a good running store they are about $10 a pair and worth 20 times that.
  • girlruns
    girlruns Posts: 344
    I have been sidelined by blisters. Regular, not blood. However, if you can't properly cover it/protect it to prevent both pain and/or further blistering or popping, you need to let it heal and take a rest day. I've had blisters that have hurt bad enough to even walk a step or two, forget about running, and I've had some that a bandaid and some neosporin do the trick. If it hurts too much, can you maybe do a workout video, weight lifting, or yoga that would either allow you to be barefoot or would minimize the moving around your foot is doing in your shoe?

    I feel your pain but it is better to miss 1 or 2 days now than 1 week or more from pain or infection.
  • az1cowgirl
    If you find that you keep getting blisters in certain areas and that a good pair of shoes is not helping, you can also cover that area with a piece of mole skin (hikers trick) and it will usually cut down on the tenderness or down right stop you from getting blisters.

    Good luck.
  • TashaP2011
    TashaP2011 Posts: 142 Member
    I agree with the post about getting some good socks. I have not had a blister even one time in over 10 years since I switched to good running socks! Worth every penny many times over!
    Good luck!
  • MelleyJ
    MelleyJ Posts: 198
    There is a trick of the trade... check out the drugstore and look for something called aquapatch or second skin. If you can't find one of those, check out the dr. scholls blister kits. They aren't as good as the other two, which will fix you up in no time with one tiny square and a bandaid. You'll never know it's there.
    If you are on a budget and don't want to spend $10 on 1 pair of socks, another trick... wear 2 pair of socks. Wear the first inside out & the top pair as you normall do. This will cut down on the amount of friction you experience during exercise. Works like a charm.. I use it with the athletes I work with who are very prone to blisters.
    Aqua patch & second skin are definitely worth it... can use it on burns, cuts, etc in the future as well. You will never feel it once you put that on!
    My vote... don't let one blister ruin your hard work. If you feel good other than that, go for the walk. You don't have to go as far, or maybe make it a bit more leisurely. In my line of work, there's always something you can do. But, if you're due for a day of rest then maybe you can use this opportunity to take it. You're the only one who knows your body and how you feel, and I don't know your training schedule. Good luck and keep up the great work!
    TYTYTYVVVM!!!! I Started Dieting/Wking-Out Tues 1/25/11, i started out doing 30-Mins Wii-Fit in the Morning // 30-Mins of Power Walking in the Late Afternoon/Early Evening, Mon-Sat (Resting on Sundays!). Ive lost 32.5-Pounds so far, i Weigh-In EVERY Tues, but Today i ONLY Lost half a pound, so im already really Bummed and down on myself and now this too GRRRR?!?! Im now doing 95-Mins on the Wii-Fit in the Morning // 30-Mins on the Exercise Bike around Noon Time // then in the Late Afternoon/Early Evening im doing the 6-Mile Power Walk!!! So ive already done the Wii-Fit and the Bike, just have the Walk Left for Today!!!!

    Ive gotton such Mixed Advice on weather to Pop it or not........i got my VERY First Blister EVER which was a Blood one (like this one is) Tues 2/15/11, Popped it, Cleaned it, took care of it, it Started to heal, then 2-Weeks later on my other Foot i got a Water Blister, 2-Weeks after that my 1st Blister started to come bk, well now BOTH of those Blisters are basically healed and gone, now last night ive gotton my 3rd Blister/2nd Blood one right next to the old one grrrrr!!!!! So im Debating weather to Pop it or not, some say *YES* and some say *NO*...........if i DON'T Pop it how long will it take to Pop/Heal on its own naturally??? If i have to i'll give up the Walking while it heals but i don't want to loose too much Time and undo all my hard work.......does that make sense???
  • MelleyJ
    MelleyJ Posts: 198
    Rule of thumb is usually to leave it if it's smaller than a nickel. But, if you keep it clean and use soap and water 2-3 times a day, use tripple antibiotic & keep it covered, you are usually okay if you do pop it or if it pops on its own.
    Great job on the weight lost. Keep up the great work!