am i the only one that hates....



  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    No, you're not alone. Most people who have actual degrees or training in exercise science or more advanced certifications then she does, dislike her too because her form is horrible and she has a tendency to step outside her "scope of practice" for her certification and give advice (nutrition, etc.) that is inaccurate and sometimes unsafe (kettlebell form). Her best friend Jackie Warner is about the same. A weekend certification and a PR machine from being a casting agent prior to landing the Biggest Loser role does not a good trainer make.
  • WashingtonGrown
    I don't LOVE her, but I don't hate her either. I love the work outs, for a 25 minute work out and I am dripping sweat and shaking I say it's worth her annoying faces, and voice. Actually, I crank up Itunes on my lap top over her annoying voice and it helps!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    The only thing that I like about her is how motivating she is. I personally prefer someone to yell at me sometimes while I am working out, because this sugar coated crap that most trainers do influences me to stop.

    On the other hand, I didn't get much of a workout from her 30 Day Shred video and believe it was a waste of time. I am a P90X and Insanity grad, so her stuff is just really easy for me.

    I also agree with Tonya on the poor form of her exercises. I changed the channel when I saw how they were making the Biggest Loser contestants use the kettlebells, because I did not tune in to the show to see people get injured, which is exactly what they were going to do!!! It was horrible to watch because people watch that show for inspiration...and if they have nobody else to show them how to use a kettlebell, they are going to kill their backs!!!

    So I don't "hate" her but I do believe that she is way too over hyped and the money she is making is making her think too much of herself and I think she's just simply "too big for her britches" if you know what I mean. And no, I can't take nutritional advice from someone who advocates such garbage as "low fat peanut butter" or canned soups with all their glorious sodium.
  • PirateJenny
    PirateJenny Posts: 233
    Nope, we are fellow haters. (Just her public image, I have never met the woman and cannot say anything about her outside of that.)

    But, I have a low tolerance for television personalities, so I am probably not the best judge!

    To be honest, I did not know who she was (yes, yes, I live under a rock, I get it already) before I joined this site. I still have not watched The Biggest Loser, I have just peeked at clips online out of curiosity because she is mentioned so often in different forums.
  • UnoDiamante
    UnoDiamante Posts: 356
    I bought the wii game and hated it... I love her DVDs though
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    No, you're not alone. Most people who have actual degrees or training in exercise science or more advanced certifications then she does, dislike her too because her form is horrible and she has a tendency to step outside her "scope of practice" for her certification and give advice (nutrition, etc.) that is inaccurate and sometimes unsafe (kettlebell form). Her best friend Jackie Warner is about the same. A weekend certification and a PR machine from being a casting agent prior to landing the Biggest Loser role does not a good trainer make.

    I second this. It is scary that someone is so highly visible to the general community when there are sooo many other trainers out there more qualified that go un-noticed.