New Memeber

:smile: New Memeber
I just joined last week and I have a hard time remembering to post my meals :)


  • TiDinzeo
    TiDinzeo Posts: 309
    Welcome to the site.

    What's helped me remember to post my meals is the iPhone app, I just add my food either just before or just after I eat it then I don't have to write it all down during the day or even worse, remember everything until I get home. Otherwise, maybe set yourself an alarm with a reminder to post your meals around the time you usually eat.
  • ducksinarow
    I just joined this week...I think I will be ok logged my meals for the first little bit and then I feel I will be the same way. When it is something new, I do good....but then I get lazy---which is why I am on a diet in the first place :)
  • pam03rn
    pam03rn Posts: 4
    I am a newbie, I am apparently morbidly obese and wish to lose a crap load of weight. I have tried quickie diets and to no avail. I need all the help and support I can get from all you success stories. My sister has challenged me to a 5km in May 2011 in Ottawa, I do not want to let her down.. Please help!!!