"obsessed with weight loss?!"



  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    Sweetpea, you are not obsessed. You are just determined. It's been proven over decades that people who log their food are more successful at weight loss. And I remember when I went to Weight Watchers in the past there was this cheesy quote, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." It's hokey, but it's true! And that's what you are doing. Pre-logging your food isn't obsession. It's organization and planning. In other aspects of our lives people would say that's the key to success. Why not here?

    I do understand what you are going through, for sure. My bf is the same way. He thinks all I have to do is eat healthy and exercise and the weight will fall off. Yet, he and I have been together for almost a year and a half and he's seen me eating healthy and exercising the whole time, yet gaining and losing the same 7 or 8 pounds. He also thinks calorie counting is obsessive. The thing is, he doesn't get it because he's one of those people who starts to get a little soft, so he goes to the pool and swims a few laps a couple times a week and he's fine. He doesn't get that just because walnuts and olive oil are "good" for you, you can't eat as much as you want. It seems absurd to him.

    Like others have said, unless this journey is causing your relationships to suffer, I doubt you are obsessed. It's just one of those things. Some people just don't understand because they have different experiences. Do what I've had to do with my bf (multiple times). Explain to the people that are concerned that this is what you need to do to meet your goals and you'd appreciate their support. And if they don't get it, you can move here to Chicago with me and we'll start a commune with others who don't get the support they need at home. We can grow fruits and veggies up on my roof and sell homemade goods to buy things we can't grow ourselves. ;)