Newbie...not in the mood today!

Hello, I have been a member for only two days, and already I like what I see. I am a stay at home mom of three kids. I stay pretty busy running them around, keeping the house clean, ect.....I have about 2 hours a day that I am without any kids, and I try to devote that time to working out. But I hate working out. I try, I really do. I have tons of DVD's and have done them all once or twice, but nothing motivates me enough to do it everyday. I don't live close to any gym, so that is out of the question. Walking is great, but there are many winter days that I just wont go out...way too cold and snowy. So, obviously I have very little motivation, or ambition. I want to lose weight real bad, but I would rather just not eat than exercise. I know! That wont work anymore...I am too old now...bummer. Most of my motivation problem is that I am moody. Yesterday I ate great, worked out...did some research...was all gung ho about, not so much. Today I am tired, crabby and down in the dumps about it. Tomorrow...who knows????
If you have any new ideas about how to get my butt off the couch, please let me know. Music really motivates me so I try to turn it on as much as possible. Any ideas for when I am crabby and don't feel good?


  • MissLedford87
    i know you said you had three kids, so do you have a wii by any chance? they have a lot of great work out games and dancing games that are great for excersize. my mom is in her 40's and she has lost over 150lbs the first 75 of it was just doing the wii and eatting right.
  • momtozmc
    momtozmc Posts: 418 Member
    We all have those days!!! Music is always a motivator for me too!!!! So crank up that music and move! Do you have a treadmill or elliptical at home?

    I have been working out almost daily, but still have those days that I just don't feel it!!!!

    Hang in there and just get moving!!!

    Good luck!
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    Easily, you tell yourself even if you dont want to, you are going to exercise for a at LEAST a half hour. It is only a half hour out of your day. It isnt taking up your whole day, and you will reap tons of benefits from it. Out of 24 hours, you are taking 1/2 hour. Take your kids for a walk, or go walk around a mall. It will begin to be a habit for you where you will feel guilty and like you are missing something if you dont do it. There really is no reason to NOT do it, unless you are injured or sick....
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    i know you said you had three kids, so do you have a wii by any chance? they have a lot of great work out games and dancing games that are great for excersize. my mom is in her 40's and she has lost over 150lbs the first 75 of it was just doing the wii and eatting right.
    Oh I second this! The nights the baby is up a lot or wakes earlier than usual I don't have the motivation for the treadmill, but I burn a good amount of calories playing the Just Dance games for the Wii and it doesn't fee like a workout at all.
  • swells123
    swells123 Posts: 17
    I use the just dance 2 wii game....i love it.....I just started it a few days ago but so far so good...give it a try!!!!:smile:
  • Shannoncore
    Shannoncore Posts: 135
    i know exactly how you feel. i work up to 8 hours a day chasing between 10-15 kids around and then i come home and have to take care of my newborn. so by the time i sit down i don't want to get back up again. but i make my "me time" my work out time since the only way i can get my dearest husband to take our daughter is if i tell him i am going to work out. but after i do work out i feel a million times better. still tired but better. and you will notice that as you go along and work out almost everyday you will have more energy and willwant to work out even more. get a wii or xbox kinect they are alot of fun and a good work out. and even if it is snowing and cold a small walk is better then no walk. just watch your footing. i live in the high desert so we get really windy here and i try to plan my walks with me starting out going against the wind and when i am tired i let the wind push me all the way home.
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    First you have to give yourself a bit of a break you are a stay at home mom and I bet you are tired. So first things first I want you to pick two days for two things. One is rest complete and total rest meaning no cardio or anything just relax day. The second is a day you do no actually fitness items but you are moving that day is the clean the house, grocery shop day. Try to save all shopping/cleaning for that day. Mine are Sunday (Rest, Church and nothing else) and Thurs- I clean and do any grocery shopping. Now on all other days for me it's Mon, Tues, Wends, Fri and Sat you need to promise to do just twenty mins of cardio- it can be anything dancing in your living room, a cardio tape (I have Taebo, Salsa, Belly Dancing, Biggest Loser Cardio, Walking around the neighborhood, jumping rope, jogging in place) Anything to get your heart rate up. Now what will happen is your goal will be 20 but you will have so much fun you will usually do more. I have just started this program I got it from her book Hormonal timing. But I am glad to share with you because I am here to tell you it works! I also will say strength training is everything. I do alternate weeks first week arms- legs then arms- three days a week all separate then the next legs-arms-legs I have lost 3 sizes and feel amazing. If you want more details on my weights or routine let me know. I dont want to take over the whole page Ha LOL!! Good luck YOU CAN DO THIS GIRL!!!:smile:
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    do you have a gaming system? i'd imagine with all those kids you might :o) i do Wii Zumba for fun & i also LOVE the Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred. it's only about 20 minutes a session & you see results by day 5 of doing it consecutively, making it more motivating to stick with it!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,063 Member
    Hi Reba. I understand exactly what you mean.
    You said that you have exercise DVDs... if you have Turbo Jam... you can join an ongoing thread. Just jump right in... you don't even have to go back and read all the posts. Here's the link, in case you do:

    There are also other groups that are doing things together... I'm wondering if there is a Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds group...

    Good luck!
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    I hate regular exercise too. I actually like the Leslie Sansone videos....walk away the pounds, etc. The moves are very simple and repetitive and I have many of them memorized. Now, I also do them while I am watching my recorded shows (Oprah, Real Housewives etc). I do not allow myself to indulge in them while just sitting on the couch anymore.
    Also, I get to my kids school extra early and I walk in the parking lot at a brisk pace every day for a min of 30 minutes to 90 minutes while I am waiting to get them. I talk on the phone or walk with someone else and it goes by really fast. And I agree with the person that suggested a Wii. There are lots of fun things you can do for exercise on there...Wii Fit, Walk it Out, Wii Zumba...
    You can do this!
  • pgithabrn
    Hi there. This is my second day with this site. I really like it so far and how it calculates the calories and stuff. I too hate to exercise. I bought the xbox kinect. I have Zumba, Active 2 and The Biggest Loser for it. I love all 3 of them and all of them are quite a work out. I actually enjoy doing it. I love to just come home from work and sit and watch tv. Since I have the xbox now I actually look forward to doing the games....well, its only been a week but its a week more than I was before. Good luck and I hope you find something that will motivate you. Any movement is better than no I'm told. Take care and keep it up!:wink:
  • reba971
    reba971 Posts: 80
    Wow that was quick! Thanks for all the reply's and good advice. I have a Wii and the first Biggest Loser game, but I am bored with that. Maybe I need the new one. I just ordered Just Dance kids, and plan on buying Just dance 1 & 2 as soon as I find them at a good price! Like I said, I love music and I cannot not dance when I turn it on, so the JD games are great for me. I am glad to know the Zumba game is good too I will look fro that one too. I took a Zumba class once and loved it, but it was too far away to drive to three times a week. I live in a very rural area. There is nothing close to me that even remotely relates to fitness!
    Tonight I am going to try either Wii boxing (which burns 123 calories in 15 minutes!) or Wii tennis (which burns 90).
    Thank you all so much for the ideas, I love them all and will try everything that I can afford! LOL
    Can I add you all as friends? You really cheered me up!
  • MissLedford87
    They have a zumba game for the wii too :) try wii active, they have a active 2 now so the first one is cheap. thats a good work out in a short amount of time :)
  • reba971
    reba971 Posts: 80
    I will go see if I can find that on Ebay or something pretty cheap. Just Dance is still hard to find cheap! I am also gonna look for Zumba.
  • MichelleMcWain
    MichelleMcWain Posts: 66 Member
    I got the Zumba game for the wii on Sunday and love it. Its fun and its a workout!