Need friends and motivation..

Hi everyone I'm Amy I have been on every diet there is. The word "Diet" to me is a dirty word this is a lifestyle change..I'm eating pretty healthy I've cut out all soda which was so hard for me,diet soda was my friend for along time.So I'm counting calories and exercising everyday for 30 min.So far I'm doing great,I'm just afraid like every other time I'm going to fail.I'm trying to stay positive and I'm so grateful I found this site thanks to my Dr who whats me to keep a food journal and I need friends and support .It will keep me accountable.My starting weight is 222 .I'm making mini goals ,so my first goal is to get under 200.


  • dilansmom
    dilansmom Posts: 14
    good luck! I'll be your friend, I need the motivation too :)
  • halphord
    halphord Posts: 379 Member
    welcome and good luck! sending a request now. everyone can use motivation and support! :)
  • jltodd99
    jltodd99 Posts: 89
    We are all trying to lose weight, get in better shape and help each other out along the way.
    Done the diet programs myself and they don't work-the first three letters in the word diet should be enough to scare anyone!
    Gotta make a lifestyle change and be committed to it. Yes, we all slip now and then and that's OK! Just get back with your program and keep working toward your goals.
    Sorry to be so lengthy. Friend me if you would like.
    Good luck!
  • sarahs440
    sarahs440 Posts: 405
    Welcome! I am right there with ya! I will send you a friend request now! You will LOVE it here!!