
TiffanyRMiller Posts: 14 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
I had been doing weight watchers for several months and was paying to lose nothing, so I joined this site. I have been doing it for about a month now and am still losing nothing! I am getting so frustrated and don't know what else to do. I am staying within my calorie range daily, doing zumba for an hour 3 days a week and walking or running for 30 minutes at least 1-2 more days a week. Every day that I finish is says that I should be below a certain weight in 5 weeks, yet I have not dropped a single pound! I just don't know what else to do and am getting very frustrated!


  • bobbijodmb
    bobbijodmb Posts: 463 Member
    Do you have a food scale? I am thinking that you are either over estimating your calories burned or you are underestimating your calories that you ate?

    do you keep your food diary up to date and put everything on it?

    Those would be starters of maybe why you aren't seeing any change.

    Don't give up, it will happen =)
  • TiffanyRMiller
    TiffanyRMiller Posts: 14 Member
    Do you have a food scale? I am thinking that you are either over estimating your calories burned or you are underestimating your calories that you ate?

    do you keep your food diary up to date and put everything on it?

    Those would be starters of maybe why you aren't seeing any change.

    Don't give up, it will happen =)

    Yes, I have a food scale and use it regularly. I also measure everything and put EVERYTHING in my diary. I am not even counting my calories burned (they are just a bonus to me)
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    hard for us to give suggestions without being able to see your food diary *S*
  • ablueskier
    ablueskier Posts: 104
    Have you tried talking with your doctor? The are some medical conditions that cause people to retain fat and only your doctor can figure that out.
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    here is some info you might find helpful about understanding 'how' the calorie counting works here in mfp.. where you do need count and eat back at least some of your exercise calories burned
  • If you are working out that much and under your calorie goal you might be going into "starvation mode" ?
  • msproducer
    msproducer Posts: 101 Member
    The amount of water you consume is essential to weight loss, so you may need to increase that if you drink less than 8 glasses a day. I know that's something I'm working on. :)

  • pdcarrell
    pdcarrell Posts: 101
    Some Fitness Gurus on here I've heard say it is important to make sure you are actually eating more when working out so much! A 1200 calorie diet won't cut it! There are threads around here all about it I haven't ran into that problem yet I hope I don't but if all I got to do is eat a little more I won't argue... I wish you the best hope you get it all figured out seeing the Doctor couldn't hurt Having an open Diary works wonders!
  • "Yes, I have a food scale and use it regularly. I also measure everything and put EVERYTHING in my diary. I am not even counting my calories burned (they are just a bonus to me)"

    Maybe you are not getting enough calories...everyone is different and for some not eating their exercise cals works other need to eat some or even all of their exercise cals...maybe change it up and eat some and see if there is any change.
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    hard for us to give suggestions without being able to see your food diary *S*

    And despite what some people think WHAT you eat can make a big difference versus just cutting calories. Here's an article (albeit pretty scientific) on the subject:

    Since I have started eating clean my weight loss has sped up.

    On a more positive note - have you measured? How do your pants feel? Some people shrink in size without dropping pounds. My scale hasn't budged this week but my clothes are still getting looser.
  • TiffanyRMiller
    TiffanyRMiller Posts: 14 Member
    here is some info you might find helpful about understanding 'how' the calorie counting works here in mfp.. where you do need count and eat back at least some of your exercise calories burned

    That was a great article. I just wonder how many of my exercise calories I should actually eat back? I also exercise in the evening and I am always very wary of eating this late?!
  • I went to Jazzercise and never lost weight, but I was shaping up. I knew my body was much healthier on the inside, so I decided to quit worrying about it. It took TWO YEARS before I began loosing weight, and then I lost 25 lbs quickly. Everyone says at first you are building muscles, so you may be loosing fat weight but gaining muscle weight. Keep up the Zumba and keep eating right. It will happen. I am now hooked on Jazzercise and go five times a week!!!
  • lisarota
    lisarota Posts: 12
    I agree with PoorGirl. I think you actually aren't eating enough, as crazy as that may sound to someone trying to lose weight. Do you have a fitness watch? I have one that measures my heart rate and gives me the calories I've burned. I highly recommend purchasing one, it can change the way you work out. Anyway, I would try adding in your calories burned. If you don't have the watch, you can look up some standards online, or use the sites estimates. Then check your results after a week. If you still aren't losing, it might be worth talking to your doctor about.
  • skinneemee79
    skinneemee79 Posts: 12 Member
    Depending on how many calories you are set at a day, you might not be getting enough. I have mine set at 1200, but I usually burn around 500 during a workout. If I didn't count that and eat to make up for it, I would only consume 700 calories a day. That is not enough to function normally and your body will go into starvation mode and will fight to keep anything you take it. (Basically sabotaging your efforts.) Every thing I have read says you should never go under 1000 calories a day and 1200 is really the lowest that they suggest. If that is not the case, you might want to have your thyroid checked. Also I read taking Vitamin D at between 2000 and 4000 IU will help people having trouble losing weight. Also start charting your measurements...muscle weighs 3Xs as much as fat...maybe you would see a difference there and know it is working.

    P.S. I have no knowledge of this, but just throwing it out there...I think that calculation at the bottom that reads, "you would weigh such and such, is really just a calculator so it can't determine if you are getting to low of calories or how it would affect your weightloss correctly. I do know that one time I was under and it told me that I would weigh such and such, but on the same page it told me to reach my calorie goal because it is not safe or healthy to only consume what I had.

    Hope this helps and you are able to get some results!
  • TiffanyRMiller
    TiffanyRMiller Posts: 14 Member
    I agree with PoorGirl. I think you actually aren't eating enough, as crazy as that may sound to someone trying to lose weight. Do you have a fitness watch? I have one that measures my heart rate and gives me the calories I've burned. I highly recommend purchasing one, it can change the way you work out. Anyway, I would try adding in your calories burned. If you don't have the watch, you can look up some standards online, or use the sites estimates. Then check your results after a week. If you still aren't losing, it might be worth talking to your doctor about.

    I do have a watch that I use and my calories are way higher on the HRM than on MFP. How do I know which one I should be using or should I average the two numbers?
  • Levedi
    Levedi Posts: 290 Member
    Hi Tiffany - I see from your profile that you're about my age and MFP is working for me and others like me, so I'd say there's definitely something awry here.

    I'd say definitely talk to your doctor. Be brutally honest with her and yourself about what you're eating, how hard you're working, and any hidden calorie sources. (Like alcohol. People often forget to count that.)

    But also check all your medicines for weight gain side effects. Ask for a blood test series that includes things like elevated androgens, glucose levels, and thyroid. (There are lots of other conditions, these are just the ones I know from personal experience.) If you are on birth control consider switching to a different one - I gained 20lbs from that. Also examine any anti-depressants and steroidal medicines you might be on - they can cause weight gain. Count how much sleep you get. Excess stress and lack of sleep make your body hoard fat. (Been there done that!) They also increase your craving for fats and sweets for quick energy.

    If your doctor blows you off, get a second opinion. And talk to her about how much weight you should lose and at what rate.
  • TiffanyRMiller
    TiffanyRMiller Posts: 14 Member
    Depending on how many calories you are set at a day, you might not be getting enough. I have mine set at 1200, but I usually burn around 500 during a workout. If I didn't count that and eat to make up for it, I would only consume 700 calories a day. That is not enough to function normally and your body will go into starvation mode and will fight to keep anything you take it. (Basically sabotaging your efforts.) Every thing I have read says you should never go under 1000 calories a day and 1200 is really the lowest that they suggest. If that is not the case, you might want to have your thyroid checked. Also I read taking Vitamin D at between 2000 and 4000 IU will help people having trouble losing weight. Also start charting your measurements...muscle weighs 3Xs as much as fat...maybe you would see a difference there and know it is working.

    P.S. I have no knowledge of this, but just throwing it out there...I think that calculation at the bottom that reads, "you would weigh such and such, is really just a calculator so it can't determine if you are getting to low of calories or how it would affect your weightloss correctly. I do know that one time I was under and it told me that I would weigh such and such, but on the same page it told me to reach my calorie goal because it is not safe or healthy to only consume what I had.

    Hope this helps and you are able to get some results!

    That makes a lot of sense about the calories. Thanks!
  • TiffanyRMiller
    TiffanyRMiller Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Tiffany - I see from your profile that you're about my age and MFP is working for me and others like me, so I'd say there's definitely something awry here.

    I'd say definitely talk to your doctor. Be brutally honest with her and yourself about what you're eating, how hard you're working, and any hidden calorie sources. (Like alcohol. People often forget to count that.)

    But also check all your medicines for weight gain side effects. Ask for a blood test series that includes things like elevated androgens, glucose levels, and thyroid. (There are lots of other conditions, these are just the ones I know from personal experience.) If you are on birth control consider switching to a different one - I gained 20lbs from that. Also examine any anti-depressants and steroidal medicines you might be on - they can cause weight gain. Count how much sleep you get. Excess stress and lack of sleep make your body hoard fat. (Been there done that!) They also increase your craving for fats and sweets for quick energy.

    If your doctor blows you off, get a second opinion. And talk to her about how much weight you should lose and at what rate.

    I even chart alcohol, which is not consumed on a regular basis and I take no Rx meds. I have been thinking about seeing the doctor but thought I would give it a couple more weeks of charting so I can print out my diary and take it with me. Thanks for your advice! I will probably be seeking bloodwork sooner than later!
  • I agree with some of the posts. Maybe your body is going into starvation mode. If you are exercising a lot maybe you need to up your calories. However, if you enter your weight, your exercise and how much you want to lose a week, MFP should calculate it right for you. Sorry I couldn't be more help! Good luck!!
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    I had been doing weight watchers for several months and was paying to lose nothing, so I joined this site. I have been doing it for about a month now and am still losing nothing! I am getting so frustrated and don't know what else to do. I am staying within my calorie range daily, doing zumba for an hour 3 days a week and walking or running for 30 minutes at least 1-2 more days a week. Every day that I finish is says that I should be below a certain weight in 5 weeks, yet I have not dropped a single pound! I just don't know what else to do and am getting very frustrated!

    You are actually slowing down your metabolism by exercising so much and not eating the extra calories burned. You need to eat a MINIMUM of 1200 NET calories (net shown on your home page) to keep your metabolism burning fat and not lean muscle tissue...or nothing at all. I know this is contrary to WW, but with their current points system you were eating a LOT more calories than you are on MFP. When you set up your profile on here, your calorie goal was figured for you to lose weight without exercise...when you exercise, the bonus is actually getting to eat more :) Don't give up! Try eating all your exercise calories and keep your NET at or above 1200 and also take an exercise rest day the day before your weigh in and see what happens. I'll bet you will be very happily surprised!
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