Not weighing in?

ybba12490 Posts: 252
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
A large number of people on this site base their progress so much on how much they've lost and make "20 lb to go, 10 lb to go.." etc goals. I was wondering if there is anyone who doesn't weigh in (or doesn't often) and bases their progress more on how they look and feel.

I am 5' 11'' and built bigger and so I will always be a pretty high number on the scale... sometimes seeing the number is embarrassing and intimidating, and I feel very stressed and pressured making "I will lose 10 lbs in one month" goals. I was thinking of weighing in every 2 weeks or monthly but don't want the huge spans between weigh-ins make me go off track.


  • ElyMaeOR
    ElyMaeOR Posts: 17 Member
    I think that weighing in too often can be discouraging because the body fluctuates so much. If you eat right and exercise then there is no need to watch the scale!! Weighing in once a month is a great idea and that is what I do myself. Good luck to you! You are going to do great!
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    I'm 5'9" with shoulders like a line backer, so I know what you're talking about.

    I don't place goals on myself (i.e., lost 10 lbs in 1 month). I place daily goals on myself, such as I will not go over on my cals... I'll try to cut back on my salt intake. Achievable goals. Try those simple types of goals.... I will stay on plan/program today. As to weighing in... once per week is good nuff. I think you can lose track of your progress if you only weigh in 1 or 2 times a month. I weigh myself every couple of days, but only log my weight on Saturdays.

    And don't be embarrassed about your weight... we're all there.
  • Dmonique85
    Dmonique85 Posts: 112
    I think every 2 weeks is okay. If you go off track then you can increase to once a week. I weigh myself regularly but I also take my measurements. Sometimes I won't drop any lbs but lose inches...I think that those inches are important and tell you a lot more than just your weight (mine is CONSTANTLY changing). But I have seen a consistent drop by trying (stressing TRYing) to follow my limits here while at the same time being a real person. I don't like the numbers right now, but each time I drop below a 10's like 250, I promise myself I will never weigh that again. Best advice I can give is be honest with yourself & try to do what's best for your body.
  • I only weigh in once every 4 to 6 weeks. I agree with ElyMae...weighing in can get discouraging and watching the weight go down pound by way...I'd give up because I'd start getting too impatient. Here's my motto: it's all in the inches's all in the inches.
  • sam363
    sam363 Posts: 204 Member
    For the month of January, I weighed in at the beginning and at the end of the month. I found that I wasn't stressed about it but it also meant that I didn't sweat over missing a workout or going over my calories.

    I would suggest taking your measurements once a week or every other. If you want "goals" then I would suggest small ones like walk 30 minutes every day. If you meet your goal make note of it and how you feel after you accomplish it. I am currently doing this because I have blood sugar issues and want to make sure I can even it out before I add on miles to my runs.

    Let me know what you decided to do. Friend me, I would love to see your progress with whatever goal your decide is right for you.
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    I don't weigh in. Or at least I haven't yet. I much prefer to go by how I feel and how my clothes fit. I don't have a lot to lose, so the scale frustrates me to no end.
  • Jami22
    Jami22 Posts: 253 Member
    I weigh in once a week. I haven't set any mini goals to accomplish along the way. I'm sure for some people that makes it easier to focus on the shorter goal then being overwhelmed by the bigger goal. As long as I'm losing, I'm happy! I'm only on week 3 so I haven't seen any major changes yet but I'm really looking forward to it. Currently Jillian Michaels is kicking my butt on the 30 Day Shred.
  • You can't really weigh in all the time because your weight will fluctuate due to fluids and food in your system. I weigh myself often but do not record it every single time. It kind of just tells me how my body retains what I put in it. The biggest thing I have noticed after losing 18 pounds is that my jeans are practically falling off me and my face looks thinner to everyone around me. There is more than one way to see results. Don't worry, you will see the change.
  • i just saw an article that said it was okay to weigh everyday... i weigh in every Sunday and like you, believe it's more on how i feel! i so agree with you on that! i find other things to keep me going besides the "number"... i live on the 4th floor and i take the stairs and i'm actually getting better at walking them! That's major to me! Plus my definition is coming back so you know i'm geeked! lol i believe if you set your goals to those that fit you and what you truly want (which sounds like an OVERALL healthy body) you'll succeed at losing the weight. You already see what your triggers are so relax and do you :)
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    I think weighing in less is a good thing but I'm a scale-a-holic and look at the scale everyday! If you are using the nutritional tracker and being honest and staying close to the numbers you shouldn't have any surprises when you weigh except to have gone down. You will be able to tell by your clothes and how you feel whether you have lost inches or pounds. Some people can do it this way and some need that scale to tell them how they are doing!

    Good luck with however you decide to do it!
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    I dont own a scale and not planning on getting one anytime soon
    I have took pictures and will take a picture every month till I think where I want to be then live my life happy and healthy.
    I think people give to much power to the scale for me I want to be the person I know lives inside and will look like her on the outside too soon enough. Its not going to happen overnight, there is no magic pill to take this weight away from me, the only thing that can do that is my devotion to myself, my dream to be that skinny chick and my drive to get me there.
  • It sounds to me like you and I are in the same boat...tall girl = bigger scale numbers, and it can be VERY discouraging. I do my best to avoid my scale like the plague, but I do try to weigh in once a week. However, I don't pay all that much attention to the number that I see..more than anything, I pay attention to how my clothes fit and how hard or easy that day's workout was. If the clothes are loose and the workouts get easier with time, I consider that my big victory. Once a month I measure the spots where I want to lose the most inches from, like waist, thighs, hips & bust. What I noticed helps ALOT is to not even go anywhere near my scale 2 weeks before that time of the month.
  • I've weighed in once since begining in January. I 've lost 12 lbs but I'm to scared to weigh in again.. However, I'm feeling great and looking much better in my clothing. My husband and adult children have began to work out because they see the changes in my weight. I'm 5'3" and my highest weight was 187 and my lowest 115. I'm shooting for 135. Don't feel intimidated or embarrassed, set and keep your own goals and work at your own pace. YOU CAN DO IT!
  • mytime60
    mytime60 Posts: 176 Member
    I too am tall and will never be a single digit size. At 5' 10" 227 when I started my weight loss journey; 220 when I found MFP, I have a first goal of 175. I may never try for anything less, I will make that decision when I get there. At my thinnest I was 130 lbs and everyone thought I was sick. It's not the number its how you feel and look. I do weigh in twice a week right now as I'm part of a "biggest loser" group at work and weigh in on Fridays, and to keep myself on track over the weekends I weigh in for MFP on Mondays. So weigh in every couple of weeks and don't worry about posting, there are alot of tall girls out there that understand that size 7 came when we were in grade school.
  • Spayrroe
    Spayrroe Posts: 210 Member
    I weigh in once a week to update my site, just because I feel compelled to. If you check out my signature though, you'll see that my goals really have nothing to do with actual weight.

    I'm 5' 7", and have a large bone build (and I did find one, though only one, website that takes bone size into account for your healthy bmi range). Also, I'm no princess. I am married with two children, but my husband isn't the only one who moves furniture, brings groceries inside, takes out the trash, carries the kids, etc. I may not be a body builder, but I've got a significant amount of muscle from all of the heavy lifting I do. We all know that muscle weighs more than fat, so with that in mind, I'll probably always be above the ideal weight range.

    I think it's more important to feel good (and feel good about the way you look), and be healthy according to a doctor (i.e. have a good blood pressure/ good cardiac health) than meeting some ideal weight.
  • Seesaa
    Seesaa Posts: 451
    i weigh once a week, and measure myself a few times a week. inches count perhaps a bit more then the weight, but at my high number losing lbs is required lol
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,339 Member
    I only weight myself once in awhile. It frustrates me to see up an ounce, down an ounce, etc. I weigh in when I feel like my clothes are fitting better to see my progress or when I need a wake up call and need to stay on track. I'm not on a schedule and plan to lose slowly anyway. As long as I feel good and am getting more fit I don't need to update my weight loss on here too often.
  • Roughgalaxy
    Roughgalaxy Posts: 219 Member
    I think it's more important to have nutrition and exercise goals, if you can keep to those then the pounds should drop over time. Personally I don't really pay attention to my weight, I pay attention to milestones like fitting in my skinny jeans again.
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