I feel like I am starving myself

lguy29 Posts: 131
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
Why is it that when I eat around the right amount of calories, I still feel hungry? Especially at night. I normally eat breakfast and lunch three hours apart. Lunch and dinner come around 6 hours apart, but I dont have time for a snack in between because I play a sport during that span of time. So my meals are basically around 300 to 400 calories each. I will generally have a small snack at night. But I still feel hungry all the time. What can I do?


  • cmowat13
    cmowat13 Posts: 98 Member
    Have you tried Power Bar Protein gel blasts? I tried the raspberry ones and they are really good. I play co-ed soccer on top of working out 6 days a week. On the days I have soccer I do Jillian Michael's 30 day shred a couple hours before my game. Although I have a protein shake right after I workout, I still feel like I need something before my game but I don't want to eat normal food before I play. I tried the gel blasts right before my game and they were great. They are supposed to give you energy too... I don't know if they did that for me, but who knows how other people react to them. Anyway, I'd just try to eat something small before your sports, like a banana, protein bar, apple, etc. That's what I do.
  • Drink ,more water thoughout the day and a big glass before your meals.
  • uubulldawg06
    uubulldawg06 Posts: 102 Member
    are you eating your exercise calories? try taking a protein bar or something like that to your game that you can have right before.
  • Are you drinking lots of water? I find that filling up with water helps to keep away the hunger. I have a 32 oz. mug I keep with me all the time and I drink at least 2 of those a day.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    try upping your cals..i did, and i feel just fine, plus it has actually helped me lose weight a tiny bit faster as well,,best of luck :)
  • quara
    quara Posts: 255 Member
    Do you have your goals set to lose 2 lbs a week? Maybe 1000 calorie deficit a day is too much, especially since you're only trying to lose 20 lbs (and you seem quite active!) maybe set it to lose 1 lb a week, where you eat a bit more during the day. I for one cannot get by on 1200 calories but I lose weight quite well when I stick to 1500 cals!!
  • iamthepreston
    iamthepreston Posts: 195 Member
    Why is it that when I eat around the right amount of calories, I still feel hungry? Especially at night. I normally eat breakfast and lunch three hours apart. Lunch and dinner come around 6 hours apart, but I dont have time for a snack in between because I play a sport during that span of time. So my meals are basically around 300 to 400 calories each. I will generally have a small snack at night. But I still feel hungry all the time. What can I do?

    Nice Woody!!!
  • lguy29
    lguy29 Posts: 131
    Do you have your goals set to lose 2 lbs a week? Maybe 1000 calorie deficit a day is too much, especially since you're only trying to lose 20 lbs (and you seem quite active!) maybe set it to lose 1 lb a week, where you eat a bit more during the day. I for one cannot get by on 1200 calories but I lose weight quite well when I stick to 1500 cals!!

    I'm set to 1 pound a week. One of my problems is that I've put myself down for "active activity" so I'm at 1400 calories a day. The "activity" I include is my practice each day. Other than practice all I really do is walk back and forth from places on campus. Each day of practice varies on how many calories I actually burn, and I can't really calculate it because I don't have an HRM. I also dont have a scale or a measuring tape so I cant really check my progress... I'm wondering if I am eating too little now, but this is only a recent problem. When I first started using MFP I never was really hungry.
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    What I noticed when looking at your food diary, is that while you're eating your cals, you're not eating much bulk. Eat some veggies. They'll fill you up. Why waste 240 cals on a puny little Clif bar, when you could eat an apple (80 cals) + 4 oz carrots (approx 50 cals) + 4 oz sugar snap peas (about 50 cals) + a tangerine (50 cals) = 230 cals. Lot more bulk to keep you full that way.
  • lguy29
    lguy29 Posts: 131
    What I noticed when looking at your food diary, is that while you're eating your cals, you're not eating much bulk. Eat some veggies. They'll fill you up. Why waste 240 cals on a puny little Clif bar, when you could eat an apple (80 cals) + 4 oz carrots (approx 50 cals) + 4 oz sugar snap peas (about 50 cals) + a tangerine (50 cals) = 230 cals. Lot more bulk to keep you full that way.

    I have to eat quickly and on the go a lot. The Clif bar (for example) is something I wouldnt have eaten 1. if I had the time to sit down and eat or 2. if I wasn't hungry. It was a snack and it was right before practice, I felt like I needed something. Today was strange -- not my normal eating regiment. I just went grocery shopping and am going to try different breakfasts to eat. I think if I can stay full longer I would make better choices for the rest of the day.
  • lionempress
    lionempress Posts: 126 Member
    It could be something as simple as your TOM is coming.

    But either way I'd suggest some more veggies too. Do carrot sticks if you like, and steaming veggies is quick and tasty (broccolli or steamed yams are very healthy and yummy)
    You seem like you are getting your fiber in there, but veggies have so much to offer.

    HAHA: I need to take my own darn advice on the veggies. Supermarket here I come!
    .. I'm wondering if I am eating too little now, but this is only a recent problem. When I first started using MFP I never was really hungry.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    What I noticed when looking at your food diary, is that while you're eating your cals, you're not eating much bulk. Eat some veggies. They'll fill you up. Why waste 240 cals on a puny little Clif bar, when you could eat an apple (80 cals) + 4 oz carrots (approx 50 cals) + 4 oz sugar snap peas (about 50 cals) + a tangerine (50 cals) = 230 cals. Lot more bulk to keep you full that way.

    I agree with this.

    I normally only eat things like protein bars when I am in a hurry and need something that doesn't require much preparation, but since they are small and normally have a good deal of simple sugars in them, I am left feeling hungry and unsatisfied afterwards. But when I have some hummus and carrots, or some crackers with low fat cheese and roast beef, or something like some couscous and veggies, I am eating something huge that fills me up and keeps me feeling that way since there aren't many simple sugars in those choices...and they are all about the same calorie-wise.
  • Try eating more fruits and veggies. They are filling foods and will kept you full longer.
  • Jenni268
    Jenni268 Posts: 202 Member
    How long have you been restricting your diet? I don't know about anyone else, but when I first started "dieting" (and I don't mean going crazy, just not eating anything and everything) I really had a hard time. I felt deprived and hungry. For me, honestly, it was all just in my head. I was seeing that I wasn't eating as much as I used to, and I didn't like it. I wanted MORE. But not beause my body needed more, but just because I wanted it and was used to it. . .. .much like my cravings when I quit smoking.

    I notice that you said you get hungry in the evenings more than anything, could it be boredom? I struggle with wanting to eat just when I'm bored. Or did you used to eat a lot in the evenings and now you're not? If so, that could also be a mind trick. You were in the habit and now you are not.

    I hope any of this is helpful to you (or anyone else!) Good luck!! :)
  • When we begin eating right (& healthy), and add activity, our metabolism speeds up - which is a good thing because it burns calories! Keep some dried unsalted nuts or like many others have mentioned, a protein bar to be eaten between your main meals. My trainer always told me that was a great sign, but not to let my hunger pangs go unattended....pop a handful of nuts, protein bar or protein drink during those times. Anyway, my two cents - that has really helped curb those time I feel like I'm starving (& those close to me could hear my bottomless pit! LOL).
  • lguy29
    lguy29 Posts: 131
    How long have you been restricting your diet? I don't know about anyone else, but when I first started "dieting" (and I don't mean going crazy, just not eating anything and everything) I really had a hard time. I felt deprived and hungry. For me, honestly, it was all just in my head. I was seeing that I wasn't eating as much as I used to, and I didn't like it. I wanted MORE. But not beause my body needed more, but just because I wanted it and was used to it. . .. .much like my cravings when I quit smoking.

    I notice that you said you get hungry in the evenings more than anything, could it be boredom? I struggle with wanting to eat just when I'm bored. Or did you used to eat a lot in the evenings and now you're not? If so, that could also be a mind trick. You were in the habit and now you are not.

    I hope any of this is helpful to you (or anyone else!) Good luck!! :)

    I started watching what I ate about a month ago. Only this past week have I been having this problem, and the problem becomes worse when I overeat. Today I'm trying to stay under my calories. I used to eat more at night, so my body must be reacting to the change. I'll try having a salad/veggies with dinner now and see how things go.
  • skeenanft
    skeenanft Posts: 5 Member
    Your hungry at night because your blood sugar is unstable and your brain is trying to make up for the unstable balance of insulin and glucagon throughout the day... hence if you are busy early in the day you can ignore your feeding drives and when you are less busy you are more then likely going to have food craving and binge on carbs. I don't believe in the nutrient ratios of this program unless you "custom" modify the ratios... my rule of thumb is I eat a gram of protein for every pound of lean mass so if you are 180 pounds and you are 110 pds of lean mass and 70 pds of fat I would make sure that I would eat 110 grams of protein spread out over approximately 5 meals a day. Make sure that when I create my meals I always start with my complete proteins 1st and foremost (i.e. egg, chicken, turkey, etc) then I make sure I meet my fat requirements, it is then at this time I add in a portion of starchy carb and fiberous carbs to bring up "total" calories... I don't count the 'plant based" proteins as my total protein requirement for the day. I recommend this to all of my clients and it works wonders!
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