Train for a 12k in 50 days?

So I am going to train to do a 12k on May 15th. I currently run about 2 miles no problem at 9 minutes a mile. I feel like I hit a plateau though so I would like suggestions so I can go further. The 12K is San Francisco's Bay to Breakers. I know people usually walk the event but I want to actually take a stab at running. Another problem I hit was I missed registration so I am going to try to raise $250 for a charity in an attempt to possibly get a bib (50 tix available to the first ppl to raise the money). So far I have received no donations but I want to start a training regimen just in case I can get in the race. If I cant raise the money I will just show up and walk the event and party lol :)

So is there any routines or things I should be doing to get ready for this? I know I can run it if I train hard enough but is there anything to optimize my training?

Thanks in advance for your help :]


  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    I know that there's a program called Bridge to 10k, which is similar to Couch to 5k, but obviously more intense (or so I'm assuming, since I'm just starting C25k, lol). So maybe train for that, but then add a little bit to get to the 12k distance.

    If you're interested, I think it can be found on the C25k website, but I'm sure Google can be more helpful than me at this point. I saw it on an ipod app, as well, so it can coach you over your music while you train.

    Good luck!

    EDIT: Here's a link I found, it outlines the program, if you don't want to/can't get the ipod app:

    From your original post, it sounds like you could run this without much of a problem, as it starts off with 10 minute runs for week 1. And it's 6 weeks, so that should be good, too!