Week 3 of P to B

Hey there... Week 3. How did everyone do this week? I met my goal of up-ing my exercise, however, I am not sure it helped that much! lol...

LW 214

CW 213. 8

Oh well, a loss is a loss right??? How did you all do. I am not sure if everyone saw or not, but last week we had a combined total loss of 1.2 !!!! Let's hope this week we knock it out of the park (sorry about the baseball reference, I have three boys and it is baseball season!)



  • molissep
    molissep Posts: 452 Member
    good job marci - you're right, a loss is a loss!

    LW 213
    CW 210

    well i shed those out of town pounds plus one! i worked out extra hard this past week and i guess it paid off. we should get a challange going for this week to give us an extra push! let me know what everyone thinks :smile:
  • chelsea32291
    That's a great loss from last week!! Way to go everyone!!
    Last weeks weight: 219.8
    This weeks weight: 216.2 that was yday weight forgot to weigh today
  • Becs25
    Becs25 Posts: 79
    Sorry I missed last week. It was a rough time and this week is not good. I weighed Monday and I'm trying to get over it still and not worry about it. I am going to be accountable for it though and claim my weight even though I am hoping a majority of it is eating out sodium and water weight.
    CW is 174.8
    I am back on track though with exercise and eating and I owe a majority of that to my most supportive husband.
  • mes1921
    mes1921 Posts: 71 Member
    Last week: 199
    This week: 194!

    Finally a good loss! I guess that whole working out and eating right thing might work after all :laugh:

    Way to go everyone!
  • Harshberger24
    we are kicking *kitten* and taking names this week ladies!!! NICE JOB EVERYONE!!!!
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    So I lost this week, only 1 lb but at least it is in the right direction. I love the idea of a weekly challenge. :)

    LW: 160.6
    CW: 159.6
  • skinnyshirt
    skinnyshirt Posts: 10 Member
    I stayed the same again!! I think I got the exercise part right, now I need to work on the food that I eat. By now I would have given up in the past, but not this time. I will do this!!

    SW 204.5
    CW 204.5
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    we are kicking *kitten* and taking names this week ladies!!! NICE JOB EVERYONE!!!!

    Amazing job so far everyone! I am working all day today, so I will weigh in tomorrow am...

    I don't know if the number is going to be very good, but, I like what skinnyshirt said, "By now I would have given up in the past, but not this time." I am NOT giving up...

    p.s. love the idea of a weekly challenge!!
  • chelsea32291
    Wow, great job everyone!! :)

    Okay, so I wanted to share something...I recently tried on shorts that were skin tight last summer and now they fit perfect/are a little too big, so I had to compare pictures. :P I know they look like different shorts, but I promise they aren't. The strings are taken out (lost them last summer) and they look lower because they were kind of falling of my waist. But the first picture is extremely embarrassing.

  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    Wow, great job everyone!! :)

    Okay, so I wanted to share something...I recently tried on shorts that were skin tight last summer and now they fit perfect/are a little too big, so I had to compare pictures. :P I know they look like different shorts, but I promise they aren't. The strings are taken out (lost them last summer) and they look lower because they were kind of falling of my waist. But the first picture is extremely embarrassing.


    I checked out the pictures...totally amazing!! I can't wait to try on my old summer clothes! There are so many things I didn't wear at all last summer!!
  • chelsea32291
    Wow, great job everyone!! :)

    Okay, so I wanted to share something...I recently tried on shorts that were skin tight last summer and now they fit perfect/are a little too big, so I had to compare pictures. :P I know they look like different shorts, but I promise they aren't. The strings are taken out (lost them last summer) and they look lower because they were kind of falling of my waist. But the first picture is extremely embarrassing.


    I checked out the pictures...totally amazing!! I can't wait to try on my old summer clothes! There are so many things I didn't wear at all last summer!!

    thank you! i still have a long way to go, but i was really excited that they actually fit well! & you're going to be so excited! i bet things will be falling off of you!
  • joynova
    joynova Posts: 65 Member
    Hi everyone! Sorry I didn't post yesterday. Congrats to everyone for a good week!
    I lost .6 which is what I had gained the week before. Wish it has been more but happy it wasn't a gain. Yesterday was really bad for me though. Had a stressful meeting so I ate and ate and ate after it. Hate emotional eating!!! Anyway, today is a new day!

    CW: 176.2

    I'm all up for a mini challenge. Maybe it will help me get through the weekend! :tongue:
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    Hey ladies!

    Last Week: 172
    CW: 171.4

    Needs to be better, but it is still weight LOSS! Here's to 2 pounds next Wednesday! 169.4!
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    Hey ladies!

    Last Week: 172
    CW: 171.4

    Needs to be better, but it is still weight LOSS! Here's to 2 pounds next Wednesday! 169.4!
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    Just came on to vent a little - why is it so hard to lose all this weight I gained so easily?? :explode: I mean I know that everyone says slow and steady weightloss is the way to go, but it is just so hard. I have been over my calories like everyday this week and haven't worked out at all. :cry: And I know that this is on me to work as hard as I can if I really want to lose the weight, but sometimes I just want to veg and I can talk myself out of working out so easily (it's crazy). Sorry for all the complaining just needed to get it out and I figure you are the people who would understand the best. Thanks for listening. :flowerforyou:
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    Just came on to vent a little - why is it so hard to lose all this weight I gained so easily?? :explode: I mean I know that everyone says slow and steady weightloss is the way to go, but it is just so hard. I have been over my calories like everyday this week and haven't worked out at all. :cry: And I know that this is on me to work as hard as I can if I really want to lose the weight, but sometimes I just want to veg and I can talk myself out of working out so easily (it's crazy). Sorry for all the complaining just needed to get it out and I figure you are the people who would understand the best. Thanks for listening. :flowerforyou:

    I totally went through that the other week too. You're not alone. Everyone is like "it's not a quick fix, it takes months of determination, etc..." Been there. And I think we will always have days where we just want to give up. What helps me, is to imagine myself at my heaviest, and remember what that felt like, how my clothes fit, etc. Then, I remember myself at my healthiest... That is my main motivation and inspiration. You can do it, girl...just get back on the horse, and say, "Tomorrow is another day!"

    Get it, girl! ; )