cooked fruit

jgover Posts: 23 Member
I don't really like raw blueberries but I want the nutrition from them. I usually add about 10 to my oatmeal before I microwave it. Does anyone know how much damage I'm doing to the quality of the berry and should I just forgo the fruit altogther?


  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    bump. I do the same thing with my blueberries.
  • beccafertig
    beccafertig Posts: 61 Member
    Try throwing the raw berries in the blender or food processor for a few seconds and then adding them to your cooked oatmeal. You won't compromise the integrity of the good stuff in the berries by doing it this way.
  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member
    Speaking from a scientific point of view, I think microwaving the blueberries would reduce the vitamin C content (vitamin C decomposes easily under heat) and it'll have the same kind of nutritional value as tinned fruit (which is heated during production to sterilise the contents).