Oxygen magazine said....

alisonnorth Posts: 15 Member
edited September 2024 in Health and Weight Loss
if you work-out in the morning on an empty stomach you will burn twice as many calories? seems a little off to me. i think without any fuel in your system you'd be too sluggish to push yourself. thoughts?


  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    No true. Exercises do not magically burn extra calories because you performed that at a certain time of day or because you didn't eat. Simple logic should tell you that. You are expending the same amount of effort regardless of time of day or what you've eaten.

    Working out first thing in the morning on an empty stomach WILL eat your muscle away though. You haven't eaten in 6-10 hours and there is very little glycogen left in your system, so muscle gets burned.

    You'd be far better off having a small, 100-200 calorie, carby snack about 45 minutes before your workout if your goal is to get through your morning workout and not burn muscle.
  • flashy1
    flashy1 Posts: 3
    I totally agree with Atlantique and would also add that you might want to get some protein post workout as well.

    I usually have an orange or a banana before and half a bagel (whole wheat) with peanut butter (Natural) after.:smile:
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    My belief is that if you workout on an empty stomach 2 things are gonna take place. 1: burn out alot sooner and 2: you will burn up your muscle instead of fat.

    I don't understand how it's possible to burn fat without having the fuel in your body. For me that's like the twinkie diet, you lose muscle weight instead of fat weight.

    I could be totally wrong. In fact an article in Oxygen Magazine (March's mag. pages 94 thru 98) stating how many carbs you need before durin and after exercising along with how much protein.

    I love Oxygen magazine but I personally don't believe exercisin on an empty stomach could possibly be healthy. In fact that can cause your blood sugar levels to drop really low. Your body could end up starving itself without fuel dependin upon the amount of time spent exercising.

    So in my opioion fuel up so your body has energy to burn!
  • nikkimoon1382
    nikkimoon1382 Posts: 72 Member
    Oxygen is technically right in the sense that u burn more calories working out on an empty stomach -but it doesn't make it healthy or helpful.
    read this article. http://www.mcnewsletters.com/questions/morning-cardio-fat-loss.html

    "Technically yes, you are burning a higher percentage of fat during the exercise. If you're exercising on an empty stomach, insulin levels are low and body fat will be used as a greater percentage of fuel for the exercise.

    However, doing cardio in this manner is like taking one step forward, two steps back. (And will undermine your efforts in the long term)

    The main principle for fat loss: At the end of the day, week, month and year- total calories burnt are more important for fat loss than the source of the fuel (carbohydrate, fat or protein).

    Doing your cardio on an empty stomach violates this principle in 2 ways:
    Intensity of exercise will be compromised due to fasted state for numerous reasons
    Muscle depletion: Doing cardio on an empty stomach releases plenty of cortisol (detrimental to muscle) into the blood stream, as well as deprives the muscles of precious amino acids that are needed."

    Hope this is helpful!!
  • kbean33
    kbean33 Posts: 50
    Thanks for the comments. I wake up at 4:45am and start exercising at 5:00am Usually cardio for 40min. I do not have time to eat , and the last time that I ate is usually around 8 hours before that. Is this bad? Should I eat something right before I workout?
  • Hey Alison I've read that too I can't remember if it was Shape or Fitness, but they said if you can do it but don't recommend it.
  • That is crazy! If I would exercise on an empty stomach I would not benefit as my blood sugar would bottom out. Not good for anyone! I usually eat some protein before working out. Amounts depend on how much of a workout I am doing. If I am doing my usual 2 hours I eat some peanut butter on Brownberry Health nut bread and maybe an apple.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    Oxygen magazine is full of bad advice. :( I got a subscription as a gift and am always shocked by the candy-coated workouts and bullmess advice they give .
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