Beginning Runner Question

Hello! My goal for the summer is to run at least two 5K's.... I have the shoes, the Couch25K bookmarked, and motivation. What I don't have is someplace to run!

I live in a small apartment and can't afford either a gym membership or a treadmill. This past week the snow has been melting and its been raining so I thought I would be out on the sidewalk by now, but last night we received 3 inches of snow and ice.

Any suggestions for either places to run or what I can do in the interim to help my cardio while I wait for a much anticipated Spring thaw?


  • iq5203
    iq5203 Posts: 17
    I used to use the track at a local high school, they kept it clean in the winter.
  • ahkunkel
    ahkunkel Posts: 68
    Are there stairs in or around your apartment complex? You could start by doing a few minutes of stairs just to get your heart and leg muscles working. You could also check around for gyms that offer trial memberships such as free for a day, or free for a week. It may be a little time consuming but then at least you could go to the gym and use their machines. Good luck with your 5K!
  • jrlitt76
    jrlitt76 Posts: 52
    alot of people power walk or job inside a mall where there are long hall ways, go really early or near closing to avoid crowds
  • catysthename
    catysthename Posts: 278 Member
    I don't know if you have a Y but they do financial aid there if you want a membership. They'll work with you. It was only 25 dollars a month for me when i got it.
  • gehlerc
    gehlerc Posts: 651 Member
    Are you by any chance in the upper midwest? (I'm in west central Wisconsin; same weather story here.)

    I second the suggestion about the track at a local school or university. Also, check with all of your local public schools. Here in my town, they allow people to come in the very early morning to the local middle school to use the hallways to walk or run. Finally, find out if there are any local running clubs and contact someone affiliated with them; they may know about opportunities (like a local track) in your area.

    Good luck!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Got any friends who belong to a gym? Most places allow members to bring a guest. I go to Planet Fitness, and their rates start at $10 a month.

    Otherwise, for the first say... two weeks of C25k, maybe you could jog in place in your apartment for the minute to 90 seconds. By then, hopefully the weather will break.
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    great idea to start preparing now. I agree with the stairs walk or even better trot up them whenever you get chance, then pretend you forgot something and go do it again!!!! lol!!!!

    I bought Yaktrax for the snow but running in freezing snowy conditions isnt the best i have to say...... the other thing that i recently started dong is skipping, get a rope and skip, i hadnt dont it since school and boy was it easier then lol!!!!!

    good luck enjoy the c25k i loved it, what shoes you get by the way, i got my first ever half decent pair a couple of weeks ago and i really do think it makes a difference - I got a pair of saucony, i hadnt even heard of the brand but hey i aint a label fiend lol!!!! enjoy!
  • crazytxmom
    crazytxmom Posts: 166 Member
    Is there a city-run recreation center in the area? Their memberships are typically a lot less than name-brand gyms. They may not have the latest & greatest equipment, but surely they'd have a treadmill.

    Listening to stories about snow in March reminds me why I love living in Texas. I really don't think I could cope with being house-bound that long.

    Good luck!
  • tristahenry
    tristahenry Posts: 175
    Run in the snow! That's my favorite run, when it's flurrying out with several inches on the ground. It's so peaceful and it gives you an added challenge (like running in sand without so much difficulty). Just dress in many thin layers to stay warm and try for a water resistant top layer. Try to find a field at a school so you don't have to worry about cars and ice and do a few perimeters. Also, high schools tend to keep their tracks clear. Also, not sure where you live but south jersey has a gym chain that is only $10 per month. If you looked hard enough, you could probably find a mom & pop or even a bigger chain gym that is that reasonably priced, especially if you're only looking for a treadmill to use.
  • CarterGrt
    CarterGrt Posts: 289 Member
    I find that running outside is always preferable to me. I wear compression pants (man tights) and a light jacket. I am only cold for the first 5-7 minutes and then my body heat takes over.

    I also just read a great tip in Runner's World if you have a lot of ice. You can take 1/4" hexagagonal screws and screw them into the bottom of a pair of old running shoes. This makes a pair of shoes that grip the ice.

    Anyway, I suppose it depends on where you live, but I really like being outside. The high schools aren't a bad idea either, but I haven't personally tried that.

    Best of Luck!!!

  • themyriadthings
    themyriadthings Posts: 225 Member
    You can also get rubbery "spike belts" for your runners that cost about 25-40 bucks depending on the style. My shoe spikes are what kept me running over this winter, because I don't have a treadmill either and I live in the country away from any kind of gym facility. Putting some screws into some old runners also sounds like a great low-cost idea! I've heard of some football players doing that, in a pinch.

    Good luck with your running! The C25K program is great!
  • barefootbeauty
    barefootbeauty Posts: 188 Member
    Thanks for all the great ideas! I found out that the local football field (indoor) has a open runners day once a month and my new apartment is just a couple of blocks away from a great running path. Love the spike idea for winter - definitely going to do that! THANK YOU!!