6 weeks in, 67 pounds to go, and stalled out (not to worry)

This Friday will be 6 weeks since I joined MFP. I lost 19 pounds in the first 4 weeks, 1 pound the fifth week, and if this morning's "preliminary weigh-in" is any indication, I will be real close to zero for this week.

So what, though? That'll still mean 20 pounds in 6 weeks. I could choose to focus on the "1 pound in 2 weeks" part or the "20 in 6" part. I choose the overall. It is, after all, almost a half pound a day.

My body might just be recuperating a little bit. It's probably asking me, "really? Is this really happening this time? Because we've been to this place many, MANY times before."

I have a completely unscientific theory that our bodies create these rivets at weights where we've bottomed out in previous weight-loss attempts. When we get near those marks, we get stuck in these rivets. We have to convince ourselves that we're willing to push through, but it may take several weeks to do.

So now I am at a weight that is definitely below my average weight over the past 10-12 years. It's not uncharted territory, but I've only been below my current weight one time since 1999, and that was with Weight Watchers in '07-'08. I rebounded fairly quickly.

Even if I'm stuck here for another 4 weeks, I'll still be showing 20 pounds lost in 10 weeks, which was the 2-per-week pace I originally had in mind. I probably *won't* be stuck here that long, but I have to remind myself that my body is going to go through some denial at the fact that this is really happening this time. My other "low water" marks are at 249 (2007) and 238 (1999) and then I get into territory that I haven't gone down in for closer to 20 years.


  • missfittin_missy
    missfittin_missy Posts: 184 Member
    20 lbs in 5 weeks is awesome! Sometimes I stall too but just keep chugging and your body will catch up soon enough!
  • marji4x
    marji4x Posts: 144 Member
    Good job!!! Congrats on losing the 20 lbs :D

    Just make sure you're eating enough (you shouldn't eat less than 1.2xBMR if you're sedentary or 1.55xBMR if you're more active, etc) so the plateau isn't a result of your body closing in on itself if it is not getting enough food.

    But again, good job on the progress so far! Way to be positive about your results !
  • daddyratty
    daddyratty Posts: 305 Member
    Good job!!! Congrats on losing the 20 lbs :D

    Just make sure you're eating enough (you shouldn't eat less than 1.2xBMR if you're sedentary or 1.55xBMR if you're more active, etc) so the plateau isn't a result of your body closing in on itself if it is not getting enough food.

    But again, good job on the progress so far! Way to be positive about your results !

    Good points. I am usually very close to my calorie goal (currently at 1930/day). Additionally, I am running 10 miles per week right now ... and this will be going up as I continue to prepare for a 10K that's just over 6 weeks away.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Keep on keepin' on. I stalled at 20 pounds in 6 weeks too. I am now stalled at my next "rivet", a place I stayed for 4 years. I prefer to think of it as my body saying "WTF are you doing!" and just refusing to budge. I just have to convince it that it WILL move, and in the right direction.

    Good Luck! You are doing great!
  • daddyratty
    daddyratty Posts: 305 Member
    [...] I prefer to think of it as my body saying "WTF are you doing!" and just refusing to budge.[...]

    That's a good way of thinking of it. :laugh:

    I've also gone from a 2-5 can per day soda drinker to zero (2 weeks so far), and so my body's probably saying "wtf" to a lot of things about now.
  • sh0ck
    sh0ck Posts: 168 Member
    Also, don't be afraid to mix up your workout routine. I don't have any idea what your usual workout looks like but just like your body eventually gets used to the food you are eating your body also gets used to the usual exercise routine that you follow. Maybe try mixing it up? Do something a little different for a change to keep your body guessing.

    Great job on the 20 lbs in 5 weeks btw!
  • daddyratty
    daddyratty Posts: 305 Member
    Also, don't be afraid to mix up your workout routine. I don't have any idea what your usual workout looks like but just like your body eventually gets used to the food you are eating your body also gets used to the usual exercise routine that you follow. Maybe try mixing it up? Do something a little different for a change to keep your body guessing.

    Great job on the 20 lbs in 5 weeks btw!

    Yeah, it's probably time. I've been putting off mixing in some strength-type workouts. I am running 3 times a week. This week it's 3, 3, and 4 for a total of 10 miles, and this increases gradually ... as high as 16 in a few weeks then an easy week as I get ready for my 10K (May 7). But I've known that this could not be my *only* form of exercise. It's an enjoyable one, but I'll probably grow to enjoy the others, too.
  • sh0ck
    sh0ck Posts: 168 Member
    Also, don't be afraid to mix up your workout routine. I don't have any idea what your usual workout looks like but just like your body eventually gets used to the food you are eating your body also gets used to the usual exercise routine that you follow. Maybe try mixing it up? Do something a little different for a change to keep your body guessing.

    Great job on the 20 lbs in 5 weeks btw!

    Yeah, it's probably time. I've been putting off mixing in some strength-type workouts. I am running 3 times a week. This week it's 3, 3, and 4 for a total of 10 miles, and this increases gradually ... as high as 16 in a few weeks then an easy week as I get ready for my 10K (May 7). But I've known that this could not be my *only* form of exercise. It's an enjoyable one, but I'll probably grow to enjoy the others, too.

    Strength training can be great. I used to hate cardio so I began with weight lifting. I have now swayed more in the opposite direction (I play about 1 hour of basketball a day) but have maintained doing some simple weights to help keep my muscles growing.

    Are you following one of those 10k training schedules to get you ready for the run? Maybe choose one of your days to run 1 mile less than you are scheduled and run some sprints or something like that. You will still get that running in but you will be forcing your body to be doing some very different movements than what it is used to (i.e. keeping your body guessing).

    My girlfriend was really into running before she just recently pulled her hip :( She has ran a few 5Ks and a 10K. She has tried to get me to do one with her but I am just not a fan of running that much. Will this be your first 10K? How is the training going so far?
  • daddyratty
    daddyratty Posts: 305 Member
    Are you following one of those 10k training schedules to get you ready for the run?
    I am ... the Smart Coach from Runner's World. Right now it's extending my distances and in the last couple weeks before the event mixes in some sprints and interval training. My info that it had to work with (~11" pace, 5-10 miles a week at the beginning) made it a pretty conservative build-up, even to the point where it has targeted a 12:15 pace for my 10K (I'll easily be below this as I'm already pacing in the 10:30 to 11:00 range).
    Maybe choose one of your days to run 1 mile less than you are scheduled and run some sprints or something like that. You will still get that running in but you will be forcing your body to be doing some very different movements than what it is used to (i.e. keeping your body guessing).
    Sounds like fun, actually. I'll probably do this *after* the May event when I'm more in "maintenance" mode ... hope to be running ~15 miles per week by then.
    Will this be your first 10K? How is the training going so far?
    It will be my first 10K. I ran a 5K in May 2008, and then a 5-miler that July, then stopped running shortly thereafter. One of my runs during that training was just over 6 miles, but a week before the 10K my training program has me doing an 8-mile run, so that will definitely be the longest I've ever run at once.

    I also have a goal of running 650 miles this year ... and should be well on pace here pretty soon.

    And as to how it's going -- considering I started run/walking at 283 pounds -- it's going very well. I've been very careful to not extend myself beyond the mileages and paces that are prescribed by the plan. As I lose more weight I'll start going for more rigorous events, but I'm supplementing my new lifestyle with the running. When I am around the 230# mark I'll start considering more rigorous training, including a half-marathon, a marathon, and a triathlon. I was just turned on to the "Escape from Alcatraz" event that was featured in Outside magazine. The author suggested this is an awesome "first Tri" for newbies, and SF is only about 6 hours from where we live, so I'm tentatively aiming for that one (June 2013). I'd also love to do a "Tough Mudder" someday.