Strength Training Suggestions

brendalyne Posts: 497
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
I know I need to do some strength training. I have the weights, the mat, the books, etc, but to be frank, I would rather do twice the cardio and skip the rest! Any one have suggestions on ways to make strength training more "fun"....or interesting? How did you get motivated to do the strength training. If you like it, I'd sure like to know WHY!!! :happy:


  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    I love strength training! I really like the results from strength training. I want to see muscle definition, I'm not talking about over the top body builder definition just really healthy, athletic looking. More muscle requires more energy, burns more even at rest. I feel stronger I look better and the soreness from a good workout (not the kind where you can't sit down without cringing) reminds me all day that I did something really good for me and helps me make better choices throughout the day.

    As for motivation..I'm vain I want to see results. Maybe try to do just 5 min. a day you can do anything for 5 minutes. Try something that works more than 1 muscle group at a time. Squats with a shoulder press, lunges with bicep curls, plies with upright rows. That way you are working legs and arms at the same time, more benefit to the muscles and you get done quicker.

    You won't regret giving it a try, 5 minutes is a good start..once you start you may just keep on going! Good Luck to you.

  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    I love it too, much more so than cardio! I think those first few sessions are the killers, but once you get through them you'll love it!*

    *Not a guarantee

    The results show up pretty quickly, which I really do love and find hugely motivating! I also like the fact that it's a steadier pace, if you like, as opposed to steaming ahead with the cardio! I listen to some slower paced music and really concentrate on each 'lift'. I work out a different muscle group every day so that I don't feel like i'm pushing it. I don't think I could give up the strength training now, not with the great results!
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    Here’s some motivation for ya!

    If I strength train…

    …I will burn more calories when I am at rest.
    …I will increase my lean body mass, which will make it easier to maintain my weight. (1)
    …I will fight off osteoporosis and brittle bones as I get older.
    …I will take up less space and fit in smaller sizes, even if I don’t change weight.
    …I will reduce my risk for diabetes and heart attack, which increase when you lose weight at the expense of muscle mass. (2)
    …I will have a tightened core and back that pulls me up and makes me appear slimmer, regardless of how much I weigh.
    …I will have an easier time reaching my goal weight, because my body knows it has plenty of muscle energy stores.
    …I will make my body more efficient at using fat for energy.

    Just remember that there are many ways to strength train, including using your own body weight as resistance. But as women we have to get a lot more comfortable with lifting weights and feeling the burn, for all of the reasons above.

  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    I guess I am an interloper here (a guy,) but wow Yolanda, great post! I'm showing this to my wife.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Everything people have written here is 100% true...

    The only thing missing: have you tried any strength classes? Body pump or similar?
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Everything people have written here is 100% true...

    The only thing missing:L have you tried any strength classes? Body pump or similar?
  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    And thanks for the links Yolanda! They're brilliant reading!
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    Thanks for the great advice everyone. I needed this kick in the butt and reminder why I need to do this. I haven't tried a class .....YET!
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