No more Red Bull :( suggestions please



  • michelegbowman
    Diet COke Zero.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Yeah what's out of whack is I'm 24 years old and still want to enjoy my social life :D

    I've tried zip fizz and endo rush, like them both. 5 hr energy never really did anything for me. I've got enough to pick from now, though, thanks guys!

    might as well add viagra to the mix...could be interesting:bigsmile:
  • ZachyABaby
    ZachyABaby Posts: 235
    No need :)
  • brainzzz
    brainzzz Posts: 18
    Amped, sugar free has 75 mg of sodium.

    Try cutting back on the caffeine though. I know it is hard but the amount you've mentioned that you're taking is WAY too much and can lead to serious health conditions.
  • T_William
    T_William Posts: 147 Member

    It ended up putting holes in his stomach.
    lol proof?
  • Imthatg1rl
    Imthatg1rl Posts: 109
    Get low calorie protein shakes if you feel like you are crashing. I use to drink Rockstar and red bull like mad, it takes a while to get use to not having your fix!
  • mindy71183
    Take a B-12 Supplement! My good friend was drinking 2 or 3 redbulls a day an now she takes B-12 supplement and it keeps her energy going. I took one today and it worked well!
  • thinkskinny21
    thinkskinny21 Posts: 7 Member
    I drink CELSIUS.. Its an energy drink that is a dietary supplement. I can't have high sodium things and this only has 6g. it has 10 cals and I lot of vitamins. It also has metaplus in it that helps burn calories. my doctor recommended it. Not going to lie it kinda tastes bad but it could just be a got a flavor I don't care for but you can buy it at walmart or order different flavors online.