BIA says Fat gain. muscle loss--help!

Hi everyone--
Well the good news is that I lost a pound this past week. The bad news is that it seems to have been lost from my lean muscle mass as opposed to fat. Not good. (I get a Bio-Impedance Analysis (BIA) done every week at my doctor's office that looks at these kinds of things). I have been doing this program now for 5 weeks and have only had one week where I showed any kind of loss from fat and increase in muscle mass, according to the BIA.
So I am trying to figure out what I may be doing wrong. My diary is public so feel free to take a look!! I don't typically log my water but I am going to try to do this going forward because apparently I am not doing so well in the water department according to the BIA also. I wonder if the problem is exceeding my fat amounts so often--even though I mostly eat good fats (Udo's oil is an omega 3-6-9 oil I add to my daily shakes of Dream Protein and Greens). Any ideas? I also know I need to step up my workouts, which I have been slowly trying to do but I am limited by a pain condition that also needs to be managed at the same time so I can' t increase workouts as much as I would love to.
Thanks for any help!!!


  • Isa25
    Isa25 Posts: 46
    With any type of weight loss, both fat and lean tissue (muscle) is lost at the same time. To maintain (NOT gain... you CAN'T gain muscle with a calorie deficit, although there are many posters that seem to think so) muscle during weight loss, you need to exercise. Doesn't have to be anything extreme in the beginning, but light weight lifting might help. Of course, do not start ANY fitness regimen without first consulting your doctor.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I'd suggest eating more protein. YOu have your goal set at 140g but you rarely even hit 100g. Otherwise, your food intake looks very good!
  • Lauriee2014
    Lauriee2014 Posts: 183 Member
    HI Nancy

    When you say "workout" are you doing strength training as well as cardio? The strength training will help with adding lean muscle. Also, I can't see your diary, but are you eating enough lean protein [white meat chicken and turkey, steamed baked or broiled fish, nuts, beans, veggie burgers?] I've also heard.. and do.. eat protein within 30 minutes of strength training so that my body can rebuild muscle. I've also read.. but admit I don't know too much about doing too much cardio which can break down the muscle you are trying to build. A year ago I was doing 30 mins strenght training, 45-60 mins of cardio. Now I do an hour or more of strenght training, followed by 30-45 minutes of cardio. I see a big difference in muscle and I find I burn more calories this way, too.

    Also, have you asked your doctor if there's a nutritionist you can work with from his office? There might be someone who can take into account the program the doctor has you on, your pain condition and your desire to build muscle.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    I agree that you have a very impressive diary. Muscles can be gained with strength training. I don't know what kind of pain you are experiencing, but perhaps you can find some strength training exercises to work into the program. I am a huge fan of protein intake . . .I struggle, but I aim for 40-45% of my intake from protein.
  • Lauriee2014
    Lauriee2014 Posts: 183 Member
    Hi Isa

    Can you explain why you said you can't gain muscle without a calorie deficit? Curious.

  • kevanos
    kevanos Posts: 304 Member
    your macronutrients seem to be set at 30/40/30, C/P/F but you rarely ever meet your protein.

    I think you should definitely up your protein intake. Maybe set it to 30% but make sure you reach it evey day. Protein will help your body rebuild your muscles after a work out, so if you can get a protein shake down as soon a possible after a work it will do you a lot of good. Take a good 30 grams after a work out.

    I think your carbs might be a little low. I`m not sure about this, but if you eat so few carbs i think your glycogen reserves will be depleted and you have trouble finding fuel while you work out. Ideally your body would then burn fat, but maybe in your case its burning muscle too.

    I don`t hink lowering your fat intake would be bad either. As long as you get enough it shouldn`t be a problem.

    Maybe change your goals to 50/30/20 c/p/f.
  • greyhoundluv
    Thanks everyone for replies thus far! Very helpful, especially in regards to thinking about macronutrients. I actually have been "ignoring" those ratios and focusing only on calories, so I think I really need to take a hard look at carbs/proteins/fats--didn't even realize I wasn't hitting my protein amt on a regular basis, duh!!
    I will make it a focus to reduce fat a little and up the protein, great suggestion. I don't want to increase carbs yet, because I have a theory that I might be carb-sensitive, or a little insulin-resistant, so I want to be careful there. My trainer (Phil, on my exercise log) has me doing some weight training, with kettlebells, which we have been increasing very slowly and carefully trying not to increase my pain (in my upper back and neck).