Hello! Chubby army wife, here. :P

ohi1073mysoldier Posts: 35
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
I'm just getting started on this website and would love some accountability partners. (:

I'm in the process of figuring out what's going on with my Thyroid because I put on 30 pounds in about 6 months, and then dropped 10 pounds quickly. Doc thinks it's Hashimoto's Thyroiditis so I'm getting serious about my health now that I have a name for what's been causing me problems for the past couple of years.

We're at our first duty station and soon after we got here my husband left for a month for training and will deploy later this year so I'm so glad for this app/site so I can really keep an eye on what I eat and do. Seeing the amount lost pop up right before I feel like binging is just motivation to put it away. (:

Anyways so hello, I'm Kelsey. In school to teach English as a Second Language. I'm bilingual and learning bits of others but fluent in Spanish. I live on post and the first step I've done is making a "trail" around my neighborhood that's about 2 miles and walk my dog. :P


  • txmama11
    txmama11 Posts: 5
    Hi Kelsey :) I'm Eryn & I'm also a chubby army wife! LOL Best of luck to you in your goals! Where are you stationed? Lots of posts have a gym thats free- check it out!
  • emperorsdream
    emperorsdream Posts: 24 Member
    Welcome! Congratulations on taking care of your health!! Wishing you all the best on your journey!
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    army wife here too, chubby too, friend me if you want!
  • McBody
    McBody Posts: 1,703 Member
    If you're stationed at Fort Bragg, I'm a personal trainer here while my husband is stationed at Bragg... I train quite of few chubby Army wives out here!
  • Hello!! I hope that you have all the success on this journey that i am hoping and trying to have~! If you would like to add me please do!! :) I wish you nothing but the best!! CHEERS!!!! :drinker:
  • We're at Fort Hood! It's so BEAUTIFUL and sunny, oh my goodness. I love it. I know it's going to be hotter than hades this summer which means I NEED to get comfortable in my skin because I'll be showing it in these summer days. :P
  • Well, I haven't gone to a gym on post. I have a friend who goes off but I'd rather go to the free ones like a couple streets over and I could walk. I just wanted my husband to go with me the first time. :X Ugh, see I'm so independent and lived alone before we got married but something about being in a completely different state "alone" is different. I recently made a walking trail of our village with my dog so that was nice! I should have dressed less bum-like because I was self conscious the whole walk, haha.
  • Welcome! Congratulations on taking care of your health!! Wishing you all the best on your journey!

    Thank you!!
  • mandiewalters
    mandiewalters Posts: 15 Member
    I used to go to water aerobics on post, and it was a great way to meet some great people! It's a little intimidating at first, but it gets easier. I was kinda like you as far as living on my own before getting married and depending on my husband now. It forced me to step out of my comfort zone a lot.
  • stang_girl88
    stang_girl88 Posts: 234 Member
    Hey! I am a chubby military wife as well! If you would like, you can friend me. Same as the other military spouses. You can never have to many friends or support!
  • veggiemuncher12
    veggiemuncher12 Posts: 93 Member
    Hello.. Chunky Navy Veteran here-welcome to the boards!
  • Hey there, I am another chubby military wife, seems we have a few of them on this board ;)
    Anyone can feel free to add me as a friend. I just started out on mfp about two weeks ago.
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